Brazil World Cup 2014

ProtestersagainsttheWorldCupmarchinthecenterofRiodeJaneiro.Date,June2013-July2014.Location.Brazil.Causedby,Perceivedinjusticesaround ...,2014年5月16日—Anti-WorldCupprotestsin12citieshavemarkedtheworstdayinanotherawfulweekforBrazilasthegovernments...。參考影片的文章的如下:


2014 protests in Brazil

Protesters against the World Cup march in the center of Rio de Janeiro. Date, June 2013 - July 2014. Location. Brazil. Caused by, Perceived injustices around ...


2014年5月16日 — Anti-World Cup protests in 12 cities have marked the worst day in another awful week for Brazil as the government struggles with strikes, crime ...


2014年6月12日 — Protesters in São Paulo try to block the road to the stadium while in Rio de Janeiro 1000 people march with 'Fifa go home' banners.


The violence meted out by the security forces over the course of the World Cup was excessive, unnecessary and a direct threat to the right to peaceful protest.

Brazilian anti

2014年5月16日 — Brazilian riot police in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro fire tear gas to break up protests against the cost of hosting the football World Cup.

Strikes, violent protests hit Brazil ahead of World Cup

2014年5月16日 — With barely a month until the World Cup opens in Brazil, violent protests and strikes are breaking out across the country.

Whatever happened to Brazil's World Cup protests?

2014年7月10日 — In the hour after Brazil made it through to the quarter-finals by beating Chile on penalties, dozens gathered in a square near the Maracanã ...

World Cup 2014

2014年6月27日 — Demonstrations that threatened to disrupt World Cup have given way to happy tourists and celebration.


ProtestersagainsttheWorldCupmarchinthecenterofRiodeJaneiro.Date,June2013-July2014.Location.Brazil.Causedby,Perceivedinjusticesaround ...,2014年5月16日—Anti-WorldCupprotestsin12citieshavemarkedtheworstdayinanotherawfulweekforBrazilasthegovernmentstruggleswithstrikes,crime ...,2014年6月12日—ProtestersinSãoPaulotrytoblocktheroadtothestadiumwhileinRiodeJaneiro1000peoplemarchwith'Fifagohome'banners...