How to Use Cydia



15 Best Cydia Tweaks Compatible With iOS 10.2 Jailbreak

I scooped through various Cydia repositories to bring you the 15 best Cydia tweaks that are compatible with the iOS 10.2 Jailbreak.

Cydia update courts iOS 7 jailbreakers with a new interface (video)

Jay Freeman and fellow developers have just updated their unofficial app platform to match Apple's minimalist look.


... Cydia內建的tsProtector 8如果你是遊戲狂加上近來的手遊越來越多都開始擋 ... BreakThrough這款tweak對應的手遊比較少,早前是在三拼大戰才知道 ...


BreakThrough:另一款解決Super Mario Run超級瑪利歐酷跑「越獄」閃退問題 · Cydia iOS9 插件, APP生活應用 / 2019-03-12 / 作者: 瘋先生 / BreakThrough, cydia, jb ...

Cydia iOS9 插件- Page 10 of 48

cyida breakthrough. BreakThrough:另一款解決Super Mario Run超級瑪利歐酷跑「越獄」閃退問題 · Cydia iOS9 插件, APP生活應用 / 2019-03-12 / 作者: 瘋先生 / ...

Cydia Download for iOS 17 & all iOS versions with Cydia Elite ...

Cydia Elite is the latest free mobile application that enables Cydia download on iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. It supports all firmware up to the latest iOS ...

Cydia Download iOS 14.8.1 Jailbreak With Cydia Free!

Cydia is basically a third-party app store that brings amazingly featured third-party apps, tweaks, add-ons, games, extensions, and themes for iDevices.

Silzee Support - Jailbreak iOS 18.1 - Install Cydia iOS...

iOS 18.1 users now have the exciting opportunity to install the Cydia 2 package manager without the need for semi-untethered or tethered jailbreaking methods.

[Update] Cydia Repo List : rjailbreak

Here is an updated version of my original list. I will keep this list clean. I want to roundup any repos that most of the community might not know about.

[Repos] Master Cydia Repo List : rjailbreak

I'm making a master list of as many main/developer/beta repos as I can find. It looks like this hasn't been done in a while and there aren't repos on the ...


IscoopedthroughvariousCydiarepositoriestobringyouthe15bestCydiatweaksthatarecompatiblewiththeiOS10.2Jailbreak.,JayFreemanandfellowdevelopershavejustupdatedtheirunofficialappplatformtomatchApple'sminimalistlook.,...Cydia內建的tsProtector8如果你是遊戲狂加上近來的手遊越來越多都開始擋...BreakThrough這款tweak對應的手遊比較少,早前是在三拼大戰才知道 ...,BreakThrough:另一款解決SuperMarioRun超級瑪利...