How to Burn a CD



Burn a CDDVD

The media file you wish to burn to disc. For the easiest experience, be sure the file is directly on your computer, and not on a network or flash drive.

Burn and rip CDs

Open Windows Media Player. · In the Player Library, select the Burn tab, select the Burn options button · Insert a blank disc into your CD or DVD burner.


主要功能 · 燒錄所有種類的碟片 · 音軌間包含或不包含間隔的音樂CD · 燒錄及建立ISO 檔案 · 燒錄後檢驗資料 · 建立開機光碟 · 多國語言介面 · bin/nrg → ISO 轉換器,簡易 ...

How to Burn a CD

2021年5月24日 — To burn a CD, you'll need two things. First, you'll need a CD or DVD recorder drive (aka a burner). If you don't have one and you're using a ...

How to Burn a CD

An easy-to-follow guide to burning music and data CDs on Mac or Windows Although burning CDs was popular about a decade ago, you can still do it.

How To Burn A CD? A Helpful Guide.

2020年12月22日 — To burn a CD, you'll need two things. First, you'll need a CD or DVD recorder drive (otherwise known as a 'burner'). If your laptop does not ...

How to burn music into a CD

2023年4月8日 — How to burn music into a CD · Buy the songs you want from Amazon, itunes, or other online retailer. · Download said songs onto your computer.

How to Copy a CD to Another CD on Windows 10

2023年11月8日 — When you are looking to copy one CD to another, you can use the CD ripper to rip audios from the source CD, and then use the CD burner to burn ...


Themediafileyouwishtoburntodisc.Fortheeasiestexperience,besurethefileisdirectlyonyourcomputer,andnotonanetworkorflashdrive.,OpenWindowsMediaPlayer.·InthePlayerLibrary,selecttheBurntab,selecttheBurnoptionsbutton·InsertablankdiscintoyourCDorDVDburner.,主要功能·燒錄所有種類的碟片·音軌間包含或不包含間隔的音樂CD·燒錄及建立ISO檔案·燒錄後檢驗資料·建立開機光碟·多國語言介面·bin/nrg→ISO轉換器,簡易 ...,...