
Barbells Archives

The Universal Barbell combines the versatility of a dumbbell with the stability of a barbell. Featuring the bar's 360-degree rotating grips, which allow you to ...

Burn Machine的價格推薦- 2023年12月

庫存出清臂熱22磅支架Burn Machine Universal Barbell Display Stand 槓 · $1,000. 價格持平.

Burn Machine的價格推薦- 2024年3月

庫存出清臂熱22磅支架Burn Machine Universal Barbell Display Stand 槓 · $1,000. 價格持平.

BurnMachine 台灣獨家活動

The Universal Barbell 舉重槓鈴22 磅.

Customer reviews

Great machine. Wish I had invented it. It is unique in the way you can adjust your hand holds to work on different muscle groups. Compact and easy to transport.

FIITY 12 Pounds Burn Machine & 22 Pounds 4 in ...

FIITY 12/18 Pound Resistance Adjustable Rotator Machine ... Features. This combination ranges from easy to difficult and will shape your body step by step.

The Burn Machine

One such approach gaining popularity is the Burn Machine workout – a dynamic and versatile training method that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

庫存出清臂熱22磅支架Burn Machine Universal Barbell ...

Burn Machine Universal Barbell Display Stand 臂熱22磅支架最後一張圖槓片總重量為10公斤. 全新, Size/Weight : W 10 / D 5.75 / H 5 / 3 lb.


TheUniversalBarbellcombinestheversatilityofadumbbellwiththestabilityofabarbell.Featuringthebar's360-degreerotatinggrips,whichallowyouto ...,庫存出清臂熱22磅支架BurnMachineUniversalBarbellDisplayStand槓·$1,000.價格持平.,庫存出清臂熱22磅支架BurnMachineUniversalBarbellDisplayStand槓·$1,000.價格持平.,TheUniversalBarbell舉重槓鈴22磅.,Greatmachine.WishIhadinventedit.Itisuniqueinthewayyoucanadjustyou...