
BuzzFeed Is Quietly Publishing Entire AI-Generated Articles

BuzzFeed quietly started publishing fully AI-generated articles that are produced by non-editorial staff — and they sound a lot like the content ...

BuzzFeed Is Quietly Publishing Whole AI

These articles aren't replacing journalism. They are replacing human SEO-text generators. Those articles were always just advertising.

BuzzFeed 乾坤一擲:要從內容農場轉型成社群平台

BuzzFeed 的衰落,在某種程度上,反映了社群媒體的轉變。臉書(Facebook) 曾是BuzzFeed 的文章列表和食譜影片的溫床,但後來平台轉向虛擬實境和人工智慧。推特 ...

BuzzFeed 乾坤一擲:要從內容農場轉型成社群平台- INSIDE

Dive into the full story here: [BuzzFeed's Bold Pivot: From Content Farm to Social Platform](https://ift.tt/BFUziwb) Let me know what you think!

BuzzFeed 是新闻聚合网站。 #20

BuzzFeed 是正常的新闻聚合网站,而且他们有自己的独家新闻,不是故意为之的内容农场。对它的abuse主要是因为它是个靠研究病毒式传播发家极品新兴媒体。然后 ...


We'll tell you where you should build your farm, but you have to adopt some cute animals for it first.

Is this the best BuzzFeed's robot journalism (and human PR) can do?!

This new creative tool enables a collaborative writing process in partnership with AI, and a human editor, to unlock the creative potential of ...

The $100 Million Content Farm That's Killing the Internet

The dream of the highbrow internet is dead. This week, the viral aggregator ViralNova was acquired for $100 million dollars.

【國立大台ep 1760】BuzzFeed將以AI編製Content Farm

【國立大台】第1760集: 《Bling Empire: New York》的啓示: 亞洲人對錢銀果然敏感啲/ BuzzFeed將以AI編製Content Farm,垃圾資訊勢如海嘯/ 《大誠實 ...

靠Content Farm可上市? BuzzFeed呃LIKE靠3招

以「內容農場」起家,結合社交媒體,並製作原生廣告獲利,成為《BuzzFeed》成功崛起的要素。近年《BuzzFeed》積極洗底,新聞部門努力改善「內容農場」形象, ...


BuzzFeedquietlystartedpublishingfullyAI-generatedarticlesthatareproducedbynon-editorialstaff—andtheysoundalotlikethecontent ...,Thesearticlesaren'treplacingjournalism.TheyarereplacinghumanSEO-textgenerators.Thosearticleswerealwaysjustadvertising.,BuzzFeed的衰落,在某種程度上,反映了社群媒體的轉變。臉書(Facebook)曾是BuzzFeed的文章列表和食譜影片的溫床,但後來平台轉向虛擬實境和人工智慧。推特 ...,...