Daughtry – Call Your Name Lyrics
[Verse 1] You never said, you never said, you never said that it would be this hard. Love is meant to be forever, now or never seems to discard
Daughtry - Call Your Name Lyrics
Call Your Name You never said, you never said, you never said that it would be this hard Love is meant to be forever, now or never seems to discard.
Call Your Name...
Daughtry - Call Your Name You never said, you never said, you never said 妳沒有說過,妳沒有說過,妳沒有說過 That it would be this hard 事情會 ...
Call Your Name-歌詞-Daughtry (道奇樂團)
作詞:Barnes, Joey 作曲:Daughtry, Chris. You never said, you never said, you never said that it would be this hard. Love is meant to be forever, ...
Call Your Name - Daughtry
Call Your Name. You never said, you never said, you never said that it would be this hard. Love was meant to be forever, now or never seems too discard
Daughtry - Call Your Name lyrics
Lyrics of Call Your Name by Daughtry ; You never said, you never said, you never said. That it would be this hard ; And when you fall apart. Am I the reason for ...