Canon G7 X Mark II vs Sony a5100

Asseenabove,Sonya5100hasa3.2xLargersensorareathanCanonG7XMIII.Largersensorsgivephotographermorecontrolonthedepthoffieldandblurry ...,CanonG7Xis7mmnarrowerand3mmshorterthanSonya5100butitisalso4mmthicker.Asyoucantell,actuallythisisnotafairsizecompa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Canon G7 X MIII vs Sony a5100 Detailed Comparison

As seen above, Sony a5100 has a 3.2x Larger sensor area than Canon G7 X MIII. Larger sensors give photographer more control on the depth of field and blurry ...

Canon G7 X vs Sony a5100 Detailed Comparison

Canon G7 X is 7mm narrower and 3mm shorter than Sony a5100 but it is also 4mm thicker. As you can tell, actually this is not a fair size comparison since Canon ...

Canon G7X Mark II vs Sony A5100

2018年9月27日 — 去到舖頭, 被sell Sony A5100, 價錢仲平, 而且行APS-C, 雖然光圈細, Zoom完仲細, 但sensor大啲, ISO可以高啲, 但出咗4年, 但好似以入門機仲係好過其他牌子 ...

Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III vs Sony A5100

Why is Sony A5100 better than Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III? · Larger sensor size ? · 19.4% more megapixels (main camera) ? · 12800 ISO higher maximum expanded ISO.

Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III vs Sony A5100:有何不同?

Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III和Sony A5100之间的区别是什么?在相机排名中看看它们的总体表现,了解哪一个才是更好的选择。

Canon PowerShot G7 X vs Sony A5100

Canon PowerShot G7 X vs Sony A5100. COMPARISON SELECTION (3 selected items max.) VIEW COMPARISON ADD MORE. Scores; Specifications; Measurements; Lenses ...


2016年3月4日 — 兩台完全不同級數的相機!! 怎會相比再一起!! 基本上5100 攜帶性也超方便了!! 我想不會輸G7X吧!

sony a5100或canon g7x選擇比較

2014年10月12日 — 最近爬文看中這兩相機預算是兩萬以內用途是出去遊玩是人像拍攝或室內人像拍攝或自拍或少數風景照,且希望夜景模式能有基本達到的效果(純拍夜景或是夜景 ...


Asseenabove,Sonya5100hasa3.2xLargersensorareathanCanonG7XMIII.Largersensorsgivephotographermorecontrolonthedepthoffieldandblurry ...,CanonG7Xis7mmnarrowerand3mmshorterthanSonya5100butitisalso4mmthicker.Asyoucantell,actuallythisisnotafairsizecomparisonsinceCanon ...,2018年9月27日—去到舖頭,被sellSonyA5100,價錢仲平,而且行APS-C,雖然光圈細,Zoom完仲細,但sensor大啲,ISO可以高啲,但出咗4年,但好似以入門...