
Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8L III USM - Lenses

The Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM is a premium quality ultra-wide angle zoom lens, with a constant f/2.8 maximum aperture.

Canon EF 16

供應中 評分 4.6 (133) The EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM is an ultra wide-angle zoom lens for professional and enthusiast photographers. It features a 16–35mm focal range for superb ...

Canon EF 16

This L-series ultra wide-angle zoom incorporates an Optical Image Stabilizer, and offers up to four stops of correction for admirable performance even in dim ...

Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8L III USM Lens

供應中 評分 4.9 (156) Wide-angle zoom 16-35mm lens is compatible with full-frame Canon EF-mount DSLRs, as well as APS-C-sized models where it will provide a 25.6-56mm equivalent ...

Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8L II USM - Lenses

A fast, ultra wide-angle zoom lens offering excellent optical performance throughout the zoom range. A constant f/2.8 maximum aperture make this an ideal lens ...

16-35 mm Lenses

Discover Canon 16-35mm Lenses. Shop zoom lenses directly from Canon. Free Delivery on all orders over £30. 2 Year Warranty on selected products.

EF 16-35mm f2.8L III USM Lens

Shoot unforgettable landscapes and other stunning wide angle images with the outstanding new EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM lens built with L-series quality.

Review - Canon EF 16

The 16-35 makes a versatile group and environmental portrait lens. Just watch out for those edges of the frame, where distortion and stretching occurs.

Canon 16-35mm Review

On a 1.6x camera it gives angles of view similar to what a 26-57mm lens would give on a 35mm film camera. Maximum Aperture. f/2.8 at all focal lengths. Optics. Autofocus · Bokeh · Construction

What do you use a 16-35mm lens for? : rcanon

I have an EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II lens and love using this for architecture, sunset views, anything requiring a wider angle.


TheCanonEF16-35mmf/2.8LIIIUSMisapremiumqualityultra-wideanglezoomlens,withaconstantf/2.8maximumaperture.,供應中評分4.6(133)TheEF16-35mmf/2.8LIIIUSMisanultrawide-anglezoomlensforprofessionalandenthusiastphotographers.Itfeaturesa16–35mmfocalrangeforsuperb ...,ThisL-seriesultrawide-anglezoomincorporatesanOpticalImageStabilizer,andoffersuptofourstopsofcorrectionforadmirableperformanceevenindim ......