


Caprine. An elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app. Download · Read more ... Caprine is a third-party app and is not affiliated with Facebook. Source Code.


Caprine is a desktop Facebook Messenger app for macOS, Windows and Linux that includes a number unique features that differentiate it from the official app.

Caprine 2.60.1 Facebook messenger client for Windows

2024年4月11日 — Caprine, free download for Windows. Alternative way to join Facebook conversions from a Windows desktop. Manage conversions, create chats ...

Caprine download

2024年4月9日 — Download Caprine for free. Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app. Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with ...

Caprine 版

Caprine 版,免费、安全下载。Caprine 最新版: 非官方短信应用. Caprine是适用于macOS,Windows和Linux的桌面Facebook Messenger应用程序,其中包括许多与众不同的 ...

Download Caprine 2.55.4 for Windows

Download the latest version of Caprine for Windows. Chatting on Facebook Messenger made easy. Caprine is an app that makes chatting with your Facebook...

Gitee 极速下载caprine

Download the .dmg file. Or with Homebrew: $ brew install caprine. Linux. Distribution, Repository, Automatic Updates, Maintainer, How to install.


macOS 10.12+ (Intel and Apple Silicon), Linux (x64 and arm64), and Windows 10+ (64-bit) are supported. Download the latest version on the website or below.

下载Caprine 2.55.4针对于Windows

有关Caprine 2.55.4 的信息 ; 类别, 聊天/IRC ; 语言, 中文 ; 作者, Sindre Sorhus ; 大小, 54.57 MB ; 下载, 28,069.

在Linux 上安裝Caprine

Caprine. 開發者為Sindre Sorhus. 未驗證. 安裝. Open options. 捐款. Privacy ... 下載大小116.35 MiB. 可用的架構x86_64, aarch64. 安裝數160,247. 標籤:. linux ...