
Intel Celeron P4600 CPU

The Intel P4600 is a Socket G1 processor, based on Arrandale core. There are also 20 Arrandale microprocessors, that work in the same socket.

Q4YM (Intel Celeron P4600) - CPU

Type, CPU / Microprocessor ; Family, Intel Mobile Celeron Dual-Core ; Processor number ? P4600 ; Frequency ? 2 GHz ; Clock multiplier ? 15.

SLBZY (Intel Celeron P4600) - CPU

SLBZY (Intel Celeron P4600) ; Processor core, Arrandale ; Manufacturing technology, 0.032 micron ; The number of cores, 2 ; L2 cache size ? 512 KB.

Intel Celeron P4600 @ 2.00GHz

Benchmarks for the Intel Celeron P4600 can be found below. Release dates, price and performance comparisons are also listed when available.


供應中 Intel SLBZY - 2.00Ghz 2.5GT/s 2MB PGA988 Intel Celeron P4600 Dual Core CPU Processor ; In Stock. Usually Ships in 2-3 Business Days ; Money Back Guarantee. Not ...

Intel P4600 CPU Q4MY ES Eng Sample Mobile Celeron Dual

供應中 Item description from the seller. Processor number:P4600 Q4MMY. Socket type: Socket G1. Rare eng sample, for collection only. [New] Antistatic CPU Storage Box.

Intel® Celeron® Processor P4600

Intel® Celeron® Processor P4600 (2M Cache, 2.00 GHz) - Compatible products.

Intel® Celeron® 處理器P4600 (2M 快取記憶體、2.00 GHz)

代號. 產品原名Arrandale. 垂直區段. Mobile. 處理器編號. P4600. 光刻. 32 nm. CPU 規格. 核心數量. 2. 執行緒總數. 2. 處理器基礎頻率. 2.00 GHz. 快取記憶體. 2 MB ...

Intel Celeron M P4600 Notebook Processor

The Intel Celeron P4600 is an entry level CPU for laptops. It clocks with 2 GHz and supports no TurboBoost for automatic overclocking of the CPU.

