
CheatSheet for Mac

評分 8/10 (288) · 免費 · Mac OS CheatSheet is a free utility app that lets you see keyboard shortcuts with a press of a button. Developed by Media Atelier, this tool has become a popular ...

Download CheatSheet for Mac - free

Download CheatSheet for Mac now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 6069 downloads this month. Download CheatSheet latest version 2025.

Shortcuts, Commands, Apps

Terminal commands streamline your Mac workflow and enhance user experience. Learning them helps you manage files, and processes, and personalize the system.

[MAC教學]「CheatSheet」讓您簡單了解MAC OSX快捷鍵

▽ 開啟剛所下載的CheatSheet,會跳出詢問視窗,是否要自動將程式複製到應用程式內?直接點選「Move to Applications Folder」就會自動複製進去。

Mac keyboard shortcuts

To use a shortcut, press and hold the modifier keys, then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C, press and hold the Command key, ...

Cheatsheet Updates

CheatSheet 1.5 (18.6.2020) Added: Support for CustomShortcuts. Edit shortcuts in Houdah Software's CustomShortcuts by clicking on the pen icon.

Any cheat sheet for Keyboard commands for a casual noob MacOS ...

I found this app literally called CheatSheet and if you press and hold the Command key for a bit longer it will display a list of shortcuts for the app you are ...

Anyone using CheatSheet? : rmacapps

I switched to Menu Bar Search workflow on Alfred instead. Only useful if you have Alfred, but a much better experience than Cheatsheet.

Master MacOS Shortcuts with CheatSheet: Step-by

Are you tired of constantly switching between applications and menus to find the right keyboard shortcuts on your MacOS?


評分8/10(288)·免費·MacOSCheatSheetisafreeutilityappthatletsyouseekeyboardshortcutswithapressofabutton.DevelopedbyMediaAtelier,thistoolhasbecomeapopular ...,DownloadCheatSheetforMacnowfromSoftonic:100%safeandvirusfree.Morethan6069downloadsthismonth.DownloadCheatSheetlatestversion2025.,TerminalcommandsstreamlineyourMacworkflowandenhanceuserexperience.Learningthemhelpsyoumanagefiles,andprocesses,...