Master MacOS Shortcuts with CheatSheet: Step-by

2022年5月7日—I'vegotannoyedbythesameandgotridofcheasheetbecauseofthat.MacOShasbuiltinsearchforactionsineveryapp.Youcanfinditunder ...,2020年7月28日—Ultimately,CheatSheetforMacisagreatapplication,andwouldbeveryusefulforanyonejustlearningtheirwayar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Anyone using CheatSheet?

2022年5月7日 — I've got annoyed by the same and got rid of cheasheet because of that. MacOS has builtin search for actions in every app. You can find it under ...


2020年7月28日 — Ultimately, CheatSheet for Mac is a great application, and would be very useful for anyone just learning their way around a Mac or anyone who ...

CheatSheet for Mac

With over 30,000 downloads, CheatSheet is a relatively popular program that is highly rated and prized for the easy ways by which it can transform your computer ...

Cheatsheet Notes on the Mac App Store

2024年1月26日 — Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Cheatsheet Notes. Download Cheatsheet Notes for macOS 11.3 or ...

Customer reviews

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for macOS Reference & Cheat Sheet: The unofficial cheat sheet for macOS on iMacs, MacBooks, and Mac ...

Mac Cheat Sheet

2022年10月11日 — I tried the CheatSheet app, and although I understand its purpose, it does not offer a curated well layout guide of the essential shortcuts.


2022年5月7日—I'vegotannoyedbythesameandgotridofcheasheetbecauseofthat.MacOShasbuiltinsearchforactionsineveryapp.Youcanfinditunder ...,2020年7月28日—Ultimately,CheatSheetforMacisagreatapplication,andwouldbeveryusefulforanyonejustlearningtheirwayaroundaMacoranyonewho ...,,Withover30,000downloads,CheatSheetisarelativelypopularprogramthatishighlyratedandprizedfortheeasywaysbywhichitcantransformyou...