Bootloader Unlock
It can be done in a few steps: Open the Bootloader - Connect the device to WiFi - Enable the Developer options menu by clicking on the build number 7 times.
Unlock Relock Bootloader
ChimeraTool can unlock, relock and lock the bootloader to the original factory state for the supported models. It is a one click operation.
Chimera bootloader options!!!!
I have a problem when i turn on my pc and get the Chimera boot option(i have mac and windows in different hard drives),if i boot onto windows 7 works fine.
Chimera 4.1.0
Standalone Installer to install to the latest version of the Chimera bootloader.
Chimeratool Bootloader unlocking
I looked for other methods to unlock the Bootloader and Chimeratool claims to be able to do it for a fee. Has anyone tried this?