
Chimera Prologue

2019年9月4日 — A gift from an unexpected ally. Previous story quest: The Sacrifice. Starting the quest. The quest becomes available after completing The ...

Chimera Prologue - WARFRAME Wiki

Chimera Prologue is a short main Quest released in Update 23.10 (2018-10-12), and is the first act of the Prelude to War. This short quest explores the fate ...

Chimera Prologue and Erra must be made replayable

2021年11月17日 — Chimera Prologue and Erra must be made replayable ... Just confirmed, cannot replay chimera ... r/Warframe - How to know you're playing Warframe ...

Chimera PrologueTranscript - WARFRAME Wiki

Inspect your personal quarters upon finishing The Sacrifice quest. The Man in The Wall: Haha! (download, history) (download, history) (download, ...

Wheres the Chimera Prologue

2019年6月10日 — In the Orbiter's Personal Quarters, The Man in The Wall sits on the plinth that carries the Lotus' headgear, donning it with a sinister laughter ...

[Spoilers] Chimera Prologue Quest Analysis

2018年10月13日 — One thing in the quest that confuses me is the Man in the Wall's presence. In the first half, he acts benevolently towards us, guiding us to ...


2019年9月4日—Agiftfromanunexpectedally.Previousstoryquest:TheSacrifice.Startingthequest.ThequestbecomesavailableaftercompletingThe ...,ChimeraPrologueisashortmainQuestreleasedinUpdate23.10(2018-10-12),andisthefirstactofthePreludetoWar.Thisshortquestexploresthefate ...,2021年11月17日—ChimeraPrologueandErramustbemadereplayable...Justconfirmed,cannotreplaychimera...r/Warframe-Howtoknowyou'replayi...