How to fix Google Chrome Always On Top problem

Theysuggestedthatathird-partyantivirusoracorrupteduserprofilemightbecausingtheissue.Ifneitheroftheseseemstobetheproblem, ...,Butnow,specificwindowssuchasmychromewindowsalwaysappearontopofotherwindowslikefileexplorersoIhavetominimizemychrome ...,T...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Always on TopPin to Top doesn't work

They suggested that a third-party antivirus or a corrupted user profile might be causing the issue. If neither of these seems to be the problem, ...

After restart specific applications are always on top

But now, specific windows such as my chrome windows always appear on top of other windows like file explorer so I have to minimize my chrome ...

Always On Top behavior on Chrome Browser window stuck ...

The affected Window persistently stayed on top without cycling the effect state between on/off when toggled, and also persisted after the utility itself was ...

windows vista - Google Chrome: Always On Top Bug

8 Answers. A quick fix for this problem is to select the Chrome Window and press F11 twice. After pressing these buttons Google chrome browser ...

Chrome is now always on top, how can I avoid that?

1. Go to Chrome Settings. 2. Scroll down to On Startup 3. Select Continue where you left off 4. Shut down Chrome 5. Reopen. 6. Chrome will no longer insist ...

How to DISABLE Chrome Always On Top

I've been trying all day to figure out how to disable the 'always on top' feature (bug?) and can't find an answer. I don't even know how it ...

Windows stuck on top?

Right now I have Chrome, Edge, PyCharm and Word stuck as on ... If it causes an issue I close the on top window and reload the program.

Chrome is Always on Top.

After a few hours of use, Chrome somehow gets stuck on Always on Top mode. Closing all Chrome windows then reopening them fixes this.


Try pressing ctrl+alt+esc in chrome. It probably won't stop the issue from coming back, but it does fix it without having to close and re-open the window.

Window stuck in aways-on-top mode

I have the unusual problem that sporadically a window gets stuck in always-on-top mode and there is no way to get it back to normal behavior except restarting ...


Theysuggestedthatathird-partyantivirusoracorrupteduserprofilemightbecausingtheissue.Ifneitheroftheseseemstobetheproblem, ...,Butnow,specificwindowssuchasmychromewindowsalwaysappearontopofotherwindowslikefileexplorersoIhavetominimizemychrome ...,TheaffectedWindowpersistentlystayedontopwithoutcyclingtheeffectstatebetweenon/offwhentoggled,andalsopersistedaftertheutilityitselfwas ...,8Answers.Aqui...

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