
Dual Webpage Viewer

2014年10月13日 — Dual Webpage Viewer is a simple and easy-to-use extension for opera. With Dual Webpage Viewer, you can view two pages in the same tab.

How To View Multiple Chrome Tabs at the Same Time

2024年5月1日 — Launch the browser and install Split Screen for Google Chrome. · Once installed, click the Extensions icon in the top right corner and click the ...

Multitask with windows & tabs

On the window that you want to split or partial screen, hover over Maximize . · In the menu that pops up, select either: Split: Divides your screen evenly. You ...

Multitask with windows and tabs

On the window that you want to split or partial screen, hover over Maximise . · In the menu that pops up, select either: Split: Divides your screen evenly. You ...

Split Screen for Google Chrome

2023年10月17日 — This extension splits your browser windows into two with just 2 clicks. The ratio of the windows can be adjusted according to your needs.

Split Screen for Google Chrome

This extension splits your browser windows into two with just 2 clicks. The ratio of the windows can be adjusted according to your needs. This extension is ...

Split Screen for Google Chrome for Google Chrome ...

2024年2月26日 — Split Screen for Google Chrome is an extension to split the current window into a pair. It makes the process easy to use. Split the window with ...


2014年10月13日—DualWebpageViewerisasimpleandeasy-to-useextensionforopera.WithDualWebpageViewer,youcanviewtwopagesinthesametab.,2024年5月1日—LaunchthebrowserandinstallSplitScreenforGoogleChrome.·Onceinstalled,clicktheExtensionsiconinthetoprightcornerandclickthe ...,Onthewindowthatyouwanttosplitorpartialscreen,hoveroverMaximize.·Inthemenuthatpopsup,selecteither:Split:Dividesyourscreenevenly.You ...