How to Mute a Single Tab in Chrome

MuteTabisanextensionthathelpsyouquicklymutealltabswithjustonebutton(click).ThetoolbarbuttonservesasanON|OFFswitch ...,Thisextensionallowsyoutomuteindividualtabsbyanewcontextmenuoptionorinteractingwiththeextensionicon.,Press'Ctrl+M'onWindowsorLinu...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Mute Tab

Mute Tab is an extension that helps you quickly mute all tabs with just one button (click). The toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch ...

Mute Tab

This extension allows you to mute individual tabs by a new context menu option or interacting with the extension icon.

How to Mute Tab on Google Chrome | Browser Tips

Press 'Ctrl + M' on Windows or Linux or 'Cmd + M' on macOS to mute the tab.

how to mute tabs versus site

Hi. Please right-click the tab and click Mute this tab. Thanks,.

How to mute single tabs, not whole site.

I have opened more then one tab from same site, If I choose to mute site i lose sound on all tabs, not just one I needed muted.

[help] how to mute tab instead of the entire website?

You can mute a tab that is playing audio by clicking on volume icon directly on the tab (the little dark icon next to the tab name).

rchrome on Reddit

Enable tab muting behind a flag. This CL reimplements the tab muting feature that was previously removed in 2018.

How to Mute and Unmute Google Chrome Tabs: 2 Ways

To mute a tab, right-click on it and select Mute site and you'll no longer hear sound from that tab, including future visits to that site. To ...

How to Mute a Single Tab in Chrome

Learn how to mute a single tab in Chrome. For sometime, if you wanted to mute a single tab that was playing audio, generally you had to turn ...


MuteTabisanextensionthathelpsyouquicklymutealltabswithjustonebutton(click).ThetoolbarbuttonservesasanON|OFFswitch ...,Thisextensionallowsyoutomuteindividualtabsbyanewcontextmenuoptionorinteractingwiththeextensionicon.,Press'Ctrl+M'onWindowsorLinuxor'Cmd+M'onmacOStomutethetab.,Hi.Pleaseright-clickthetabandclickMutethistab.Thanks,.,Ihaveopenedmorethenonetabfromsamesite,IfIchoosetomutesiteiloseso...