
Chrome Reader Mode

2023年6月9日 — Chrome reader mode extension enhances the reading experience on websites by providing a simplified and distraction-free view of the content.

How to enable and use Google Chrome's Reading Mode

2023年5月31日 — How to enable and use Google Chrome's Reading Mode · 1. Open Chrome. The first thing to do is open your Chrome browser. · 2. Open the flags page.

How to enable Google's clever new Chrome Reading ...

2023年5月25日 — Type reading mode into the search box at the top of the screen that comes up. See the line labeled “Reading Mode”? Click the box ...


To do so, click on “Chrome” next to Apple logo in the menu bar, and then select “About Google Chrome” from a drop-down menu. If you see a blue check mark, a ...

How to Use Google Chrome's Hidden Reader Mode

2023年4月5日 — In Chrome's address bar, type chrome://flags and press Enter. Search for Reader Mode on the Experiments page, set Enable Reader Mode ...

Reader Mode

Reader Mode is a feature-packed Chrome reading extension and web app that removes clutter, ads and distractions, while also includes dyslexia support, ...

Reader Mode 最好用的Chrome 閱讀模式擴充外掛,功能豐富

2020年9月28日 — 此外,這外掛還提供非常多附加實用功能,如:語音朗讀、翻譯、字體大小與字型更改、稍後閱讀、暗黑模式等等,下面就快速介紹給大家。


2023年6月9日—Chromereadermodeextensionenhancesthereadingexperienceonwebsitesbyprovidingasimplifiedanddistraction-freeviewofthecontent.,2023年5月31日—HowtoenableanduseGoogleChrome'sReadingMode·1.OpenChrome.ThefirstthingtodoisopenyourChromebrowser.·2.Opentheflagspage.,2023年5月25日—Typereadingmodeintothesearchboxatthetopofthescreenthatcomesup.Seethelinelabeled“ReadingMode”?Clickthebox ...,Todoso...

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