
Auto Refresh & Switch Tabs

Automatically switches to the next tab and refreshes it every 20 seconds. Auto Refresh & Switch Tabs is a powerful Chrome extension designed ...

Tab Thumbnails Switcher

Use Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in MRU order, with optional thumbnail previews.

Tab Switcher

Tab Switcher lets you to quickly switch to other open tabs using only the keyboard, including filtering tabs by partial name or URL match.

Switch Tabs

The easiest way to switch tabs on Google Chrome. Switch Tabs is the only extension that lets you easily preview opened tabs and switch between them quickly.

chrome.tabs | API

Use the chrome.tabs API to interact with the browser's tab system. You can use this API to create, modify, and rearrange tabs in the browser.


This is a basic Chrome Extensions boilerplate to help you write modular and modern Javascript code, load CSS easily and automatic reload the browser on code ...

My chrome extension switch to the previously active tab

The instructions are simple, you clone it and add the extension from the developer mode and there you go. ctrl + shift + S And that's the previously visited ...

Tab switch event available for Google Chrome extension?

As a Google Chrome extension, is it possible to listen to tab switches? That is, to be notified when a tab switch has just happened?

Free Chrome Tab Switcher : rdigitalsignage

A chrome tab cycling extension for displaying different signage pages. You can choose the frequency of tab switches, and customise refresh options for ...

Is there a way to automate viewing different browser tabs every 10 ...

With an extension to switch tabs for you: https://chromewebstore ... A chrome extension that automatically collapses your tab groups for you.


Automaticallyswitchestothenexttabandrefreshesitevery20seconds.AutoRefresh&SwitchTabsisapowerfulChromeextensiondesigned ...,UseCtrl+TabtoswitchbetweentabsinMRUorder,withoptionalthumbnailpreviews.,TabSwitcherletsyoutoquicklyswitchtootheropentabsusingonlythekeyboard,includingfilteringtabsbypartialnameorURLmatch.,TheeasiestwaytoswitchtabsonGoogleChrome.SwitchTabsistheonlyextensionthatletsyouea...