
Re: SRM - ClamAV Antivirus Installation

Hi All,. I have requirement to install ClamAV Antivirus for our SRM Server. I tried installing and getting error when starting the service.

Free Antivirus for Windows

Looking for free Open Source Antivirus for Windows? Download ClamWin Free Antivirus and get free virus scanning and free virus definition updates. ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.103... · Screenshots · About ClamWin Free Antivirus · FAQ


Clam AntiVirus(ClamAV)是免費、開放原始碼的防毒軟體,軟體與病毒碼的更新皆由社群發佈。目前ClamAV主要使用在由Linux、FreeBSD等類Unix系統架設的郵件伺服器上,提供 ...

ClamAV on Windows 2008 x64 update

Describes how to install and run ClamAV as a service on Windows, here is extra info on what is required for Windows Server 2008 x64, discovered the hard way.

It only took 5 years but I finally got ClamAV to work

I've been running SmarterMail on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box since version 6 and have never been able to get ClamAV to work.

1.4.0 and later do not run on Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 ...

The ClamAV 1.0.7 and later; and 1.4.0 and later binaries distributed via https://www.clamav.net/downloads no longer execute on Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 as ...

ClamAV on Windows Server 2008 R2

I put them in the Clamav folder and it fixed the problem. Clamav is a pain to install, but it is worth it. Too much stuff slips by without it.

Installing Clamav x64bit in Windows Server 2008 r2

Installing ClamAV is just as simple as installing ClamWin. Just run the installer, use the default path (c:-clamav), put clamd in your autostart ...

