How to Clean Up the iPhone Storage for iOS 18 Update

ThebestpaidandfreeiPhonecleanertools·1.CleanMy®Phone·2.EasyCleaner·3.Cleanup·4.BoostCleaner·5.CleanMaster·6.CleanerKit·7 ...,Those“top-rated”cleanerappsontheAppStore,likeCleanerKit,CleanerGuru,Cleanup,andCleanMyPhone,aremakingmillions.Butdotheyac...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Best free iPhone cleaner apps: 7 top apps to try

The best paid and free iPhone cleaner tools · 1. CleanMy®Phone · 2. Easy Cleaner · 3. Cleanup · 4. Boost Cleaner · 5. Clean Master · 6. Cleaner Kit · 7 ...

Best iPhone Cleaner Apps

Those “top-rated” cleaner apps on the App Store, like Cleaner Kit, Cleaner Guru, Cleanup, and CleanMyPhone, are making millions. But do they actually deliver?

CleanMy®Phone on Setapp

評分 58% (31) · US$9.99 Remove digital clutter and organize images with CleanMy®Phone, an AI-powered cleaner app for iPhone and iPad.

CleanMy®Phone: Careful iPhone cleaner app

CleanMy Phone scans your iPhone for blurred images, screenshots, and other clutter, letting you decide what needs to go.

CleanMy®Phone: Storage Cleaner 4+

評分 4.6 (20,841) · 免費 · iOS This AI-powered iPhone cleaner categorizes all your pictures and auto-selects similars to help organize your photos faster.

How to Free Up Space & Clear Storage on Your iPhone

Go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Erase All Content and Settings. Transfer or Reset iPhone and Erase All Content and ...

How to Remove a Virus From an iPhone

Go to Settings, followed by General, Reset, and Erase All Content and Settings. At this point, the device will give you a few options. Select Restore from ...

Introducing CleanMy®Phone, your careful cleaner for iPhone and iPad

CleanMy®Phone is the place to go whenever you need to refresh your digital space. Download the app to turn your device into a digital oasis: ...

MacPaw introduces CleanMy®Phone

We've developed CleanMy®Phone, our new AI-powered cleaner app for iPhone and iPad that carefully removes digital clutter, helping you free up space for new ...

在App Store 上的「CleanMy®Phone: Storage Cleaner」

評分 4.3 (431) · 免費 · iOS 需要iOS 16.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 16.0 或以上版本。 語言. 德文、日文、法文、波蘭文 ...


ThebestpaidandfreeiPhonecleanertools·1.CleanMy®Phone·2.EasyCleaner·3.Cleanup·4.BoostCleaner·5.CleanMaster·6.CleanerKit·7 ...,Those“top-rated”cleanerappsontheAppStore,likeCleanerKit,CleanerGuru,Cleanup,andCleanMyPhone,aremakingmillions.Butdotheyactuallydeliver?,評分58%(31)·US$9.99RemovedigitalclutterandorganizeimageswithCleanMy®Phone,anAI-poweredcleanerappforiPhoneandiPad.,CleanMyPhonescansyour...