Cleveland Police HQ



Cleveland | English meaning

an area in northeastern England that was a county (= an area with its own local government) until 1996: He's from Middlesborough in Cleveland.

Cleveland, Yorkshire

The name means cliff-land. The natural sub-regions of Yorkshire. The area corresponds to the former Langbaurgh Wapentake. The North York Moors national park, ...

Cleveland (county)

Cleveland was a non-metropolitan county located in North East England which existed between 1974 and 1996. It was a two-tier county and had four boroughs: ...

Cleveland (England)

Cleveland was a county in North East England between 1974 and 1996, straddling the River Tees. It was then abolished and its towns re-assigned.


north Cleveland in the north east of England. Earliest forms of its name link it with the Norse god Óðinn – uniquely amongst English placenames. Nearby, a ...

Cleveland (England)

Cleveland is in North East England. At one time there was a local authority administrative area known as 'County Cleveland'; this arose as a renaming of the ...

Cleveland | History, Location, & Map

Cleveland is a region and former administrative county in northeastern England located along the River Tees and the North Sea.

Redcar and Cleveland | coastal town, North Yorkshire, UK

Redcar and Cleveland, unitary authority, geographic county of North Yorkshire, historic county of Yorkshire, England.

Redcar and Cleveland Homepage

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council - serving our community with essential services and up-to-date information. From planning to waste services to local ...


anareainnortheasternEnglandthatwasacounty(=anareawithitsownlocalgovernment)until1996:He'sfromMiddlesboroughinCleveland.,Thenamemeanscliff-land.Thenaturalsub-regionsofYorkshire.TheareacorrespondstotheformerLangbaurghWapentake.TheNorthYorkMoorsnationalpark, ...,Clevelandwasanon-metropolitancountylocatedinNorthEastEnglandwhichexistedbetween1974and1996.Itwasatwo-tiercountyandhadfourboroughs: ...,C...