Microsoft® Word 2007

“TheOffice.comClipArtandimagelibraryhasclosedshop,”explainsMicrosoft'sDougThomas.“UsageofOffice'simagelibraryhasbeen ...,Clipartlibraryoffersabout45high-qualityMicrosoftClipartsforfree!DownloadMicrosoftClipartsanduseanyclipart,coloring,pnggraphic...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Microsoft Office Clipart

“The Clip Art and image library has closed shop,” explains Microsoft's Doug Thomas. “Usage of Office's image library has been ...

Collection of Microsoft Cliparts (45)

Clipart library offers about 45 high-quality Microsoft Cliparts for free! Download Microsoft Cliparts and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your ...

Create clip art

A graphic design app that helps you create professional quality social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, graphics, and more.

MS Clipart Search

These clipart images were preserved from the Microsoft Website before their retirement of the Office Clipart Library. The full collection of images in svg ...

Add clip art to your file

STEP 1: Select Insert > Pictures > Online Pictures (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out)

Tips for finding clip art or other images

When you use the Clip Art task pane to find clip art or photos, the results you see are Bing images licensed under the Creative Commons license system.

Clip Art

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

How to Find Clip Art in Word

Click the [Insert] tab > From the Illustrations group, click [Clip Art]. A clip art pane will open to the right of the document. Select Organize Clips on ...

Clipart Collection - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

Clipart Collection app contains an outstanding collection of 1000+ pictures, web elements, patterns, icons and much more. They will help you to illustrate ...

Find & Use Clip Art in Microsoft Word

Searching for ways to make your Microsoft Word documents more interesting? As you work, it's a great idea to keep your readers engaged and ...


“TheOffice.comClipArtandimagelibraryhasclosedshop,”explainsMicrosoft'sDougThomas.“UsageofOffice'simagelibraryhasbeen ...,Clipartlibraryoffersabout45high-qualityMicrosoftClipartsforfree!DownloadMicrosoftClipartsanduseanyclipart,coloring,pnggraphicsinyour ...,Agraphicdesignappthathelpsyoucreateprofessionalqualitysocialmediaposts,invitations,digitalpostcards,graphics,andmore.,Theseclipartimageswe...