MetroFM AppsThatSlap 008

今天介紹一款AppStore和Mac上相當有趣的小軟體《Clipdrop》,這是一款去背App,可以透過iPhone拍照後立刻一鍵去背,抓出畫面中的物體本身,然後再無縫傳送 ...,ClipDropistheultimateall-in-oneplatformforrecruitmenttools,offeringmuchmorethanjustVideoInterview...。參考影片的文章的如下:


去背App 推薦:ClipDrop 一鍵拍照並去背,Mac 版也能用

今天介紹一款App Store 和Mac 上相當有趣的小軟體《Clipdrop》,這是一款去背App,可以透過iPhone 拍照後立刻一鍵去背,抓出畫面中的物體本身,然後再無縫傳送 ...


ClipDrop is the ultimate all-in-one platform for recruitment tools, offering much more than just Video Interview Software. Its the One-Way Video Interview.

在App Store 上的「Clipdrop

開發者「ClipDrop」指出App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策。

ClipDrop - AI Photo Editor APK for Android

評分 10/10 (7) · 免費 · Android · This photo editing and creation tool offers a suite of options that you can use to modify or generate images with AI.

Clipdrop iOS v3.3

Try Clipdrop v3.3 for free. This update is now available on the AppStore. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to join us on Slack if you have any ...

Drop from mobile

Transfer clips from your mobile to your desktop instantly. Take a clip with Clipdrop iOS or Android; On the export screen tap the Drop button ...


Create stunning visuals in seconds. Tools: Highlight, New, Image edition, Generative tools, Real-estate, Portrait edition, All Generative Fill, Universal ... Clipdrop APIs · Remove background · Image upscaler · Generative fill

ClipDrop - Interview

ClipDrop is the ultimate all-in-one platform for recruitment tools, offering much more than just Video Interview Software.

Whatever happened to Clipdrop iOS? : rStableDiffusion

I see old references to a native app, but it's not in the App Store now. Related…


今天介紹一款AppStore和Mac上相當有趣的小軟體《Clipdrop》,這是一款去背App,可以透過iPhone拍照後立刻一鍵去背,抓出畫面中的物體本身,然後再無縫傳送 ...,ClipDropistheultimateall-in-oneplatformforrecruitmenttools,offeringmuchmorethanjustVideoInterviewSoftware.ItstheOne-WayVideoInterview.,開發者「ClipDrop」指出App的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策。,評分10...