Fliqlo Clock Screensaver

FlipClockScreensaverisaclockscreensaverthatdisplaysthetimewithflipanimationinwhitenumeralsagainstagraybackground.,TiredofflipclockappswithalotofADsandpermissions?Thisisanopensourceappthatdisplaysaflipclockonyourphonewithnopermissionandnoad ...,It...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Flip Clock Screensaver

Flip Clock Screensaver is a clock screensaver that displays the time with flip animation in white numerals against a graybackground.


Tired of flip clock apps with a lot of ADs and permissions? This is an open source app that displays a flip clock on your phone with no permission and no ad ...


It is a clock screensaver that allows you to turn the screen of your desktop or laptop into a flip clock. However, its capabilities are more than that of a ...

Fliqlo - Flip Clock - Clock APK for Android

2023年7月10日 — Fliqlo is a clock application that offers several clock styles, including a flip clock, floating clock, clock screensaver, and a retro clock, ...


Fliqlo for Mac/Windows is a clock screensaver that allows you to make your desktop/laptop device screen look like a flip clock. It displays the time with flip ...


Fliqlo is a simple clock screensaver. It has a very sleek and minimalist design. There's no flashy graphics or bright colors. Instead, the clock utilizes the ...

Fliqlo Flip Clock Screensaver for Windows & Mac

2015年1月18日 — A flip clock screensaver for Windows and Mac OS X that tells the time against a black background in either a 12-hour or 24-hour format. Along ...

Fliqlo on the App Store

This is a clock app that re-creates the behavior of a vintage flip clock with a modern and minimal design. On Mac, Fliqlo has long been popular as a screensaver ...


FlipClockScreensaverisaclockscreensaverthatdisplaysthetimewithflipanimationinwhitenumeralsagainstagraybackground.,TiredofflipclockappswithalotofADsandpermissions?Thisisanopensourceappthatdisplaysaflipclockonyourphonewithnopermissionandnoad ...,Itisaclockscreensaverthatallowsyoutoturnthescreenofyourdesktoporlaptopintoaflipclock.However,itscapabilitiesaremorethanthatofa ...,2023年7月10日—Fliqloi...

Fliqlo 翻頁式時鐘螢幕保護程式(Windows、Mac)

Fliqlo 翻頁式時鐘螢幕保護程式(Windows、Mac)


The Colour Clock - 變色時鐘螢幕保護程式

The Colour Clock - 變色時鐘螢幕保護程式


Motion Clock - 再推薦兩款時鐘螢幕保護程式

Motion Clock - 再推薦兩款時鐘螢幕保護程式
