
Clonezilla Live

Clonezilla live有兩個內建的帳號: (1) 帳號user擁有sudo權限,密碼是live, (2) 管理者帳號root,沒有密碼,因此你不能直接登入成root,要變成root,要先登入成 ...

Clonezilla Live Doc

Started with sshd on and passwd assigned : Run unattended Clonezilla live via PXE or CD booting and the process can be remotely monitored.

Clonezilla live launch user password "live" not work

2016年12月22日 — This is weird... No idea why it asks password. To me it seems live-config is not run during booting so the username and password are not set.

DRBLClonezilla Fine Print

2022年3月26日 — Started with sshd on and passwd assigned : Clonezilla live開機後sshd服務自動啟動,然後密碼另外預先指定. PXE設定檔來將Clonezilla live網路開機 ...

How to provide an encryption password in batch mode

2017年12月12日 — The situation: - Clonezilla live on a stick running an custom-ocs allows newbie-users to backup/restore their hardware (2 harddisks with various ...

pxe boot, ssh login, unable to set "user" password · Issue #88

2023年2月6日 — Hi I'm unable to login using ssh to clonezilla host. Here is my pxe boot config: echo 1234 | mkpasswd -s 7I9XZ9FO0Gd2g - - - - 8< ...


2013年10月1日 — Tomasz is correct - the root account on the clonezilla live-cd does not have a password. There are various methods by which it is possible to ...


2022年3月26日 — 我們要將Clonezilla live預設的密碼live改成其他的,例如iloveclonezilla,可以在GNU/Linux下執行(Clonezilla live開機後的環境也可以)這個指令:


,Clonezillalive有兩個內建的帳號:(1)帳號user擁有sudo權限,密碼是live,(2)管理者帳號root,沒有密碼,因此你不能直接登入成root,要變成root,要先登入成 ...,Startedwithsshdonandpasswdassigned:RununattendedClonezillaliveviaPXEorCDbootingandtheprocesscanberemotelymonitored.,2016年12月22日—Thisisweird...Noideawhyitaskspassword.Tomeitseemslive-configisnotrunduringbootingsotheusernameandpasswordarenotset....