
Cloudflare Release Notes

Added support for WARP desktop to use additional DoH endpoints to help reduce NAT congestion. Improved Windows multi-user feature with minor bug fixes and ...

Cloudflare WARP ( for Windows

評分 4.5 (10) · 免費 · Windows Cloudflare WARP (, developed by Cloudflare, is a Windows tool designed to improve security and privacy when surfing the Internet.

Download Cloudflare WARP ( 2024.12.760.0 for Windows

評分 4.5 (10) · 免費 · Windows Download the latest version of Cloudflare WARP ( for Windows. Protect your Internet connection with the most secure option. Cloudflare WARP...

Download Cloudflare WARP

Cloudflare WARP is a revolutionary technology that replaces the traditional connection between your device and the internet with a modern, optimized protocol.

Download WARP stable releases · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs

This page contains the stable WARP client releases currently supported by Cloudflare. We recommend using stable releases for production environments. Update WARP · Configure WARP · Remove WARP · Migrate app

Install the Cloudflare WARP client for Windows

Cloudflare WARP is a Zero Trust client application that provides secure access to an organization's applications, data and services. It provides end-to-end ...

Known limitations

Use of the WARP client in a Microsoft 365 Windows 10 Cloud PC is not supported. To work around this limitation, use Windows 11. Was this helpful ...

Multiple users on a Windows device - WARP

Cloudflare WARP supports multiple user registrations on a single Windows device. When deployed in multi-user mode, the WARP client will ...


Now available for macOS and Windows. Millions of people secure their phone Internet connections with the WARP app today. We've extended the same protection to ...


Download ↗ Cloudflare WARP for Windows. Go to your predefined download folder and open the executable file to install WARP. FAQ · Route traffic · macOS · Privacy


AddedsupportforWARPdesktoptouseadditionalDoHendpointstohelpreduceNATcongestion.ImprovedWindowsmulti-userfeaturewithminorbugfixesand ...,評分4.5(10)·免費·WindowsCloudflareWARP(,developedbyCloudflare,isaWindowstooldesignedtoimprovesecurityandprivacywhensurfingtheInternet.,評分4.5(10)·免費·WindowsDownloadthelatestversionofCloudflareWARP(