
Batch file fails when I add a if exist statement

I'm trying to write a batch file that checks for two directories and if the directories exists, delete all files and subfolders in both directories.

Batch file - if a folder exists, then do nothing

I want it to check if it is already installed, if yes, then do nothing and closed the batch file. If no, then continue with the installation / copying files.

Determine if a folder exists

The easiest way to do this is to use the Test-Path cmdlet. It looks for a given path and returns True if it exists, otherwise it returns False.

Batch script to test if a folder exists fails when checking a UNC path

I've written a small batch file to help us with a server migration to remap user directories using GPO. However in the batch file I'm having a ...

Checking if a folder exists using a .bat file [closed]

I would like to be able to check if a certain folder (FolderA) exists and if so, for a message to be displayed and then the batch file to be exited.

Batch script to check if a folder exists. If yes, then copy a file from ...

I am creating a batch script which will create folders based on user input. Then it will copy files from a shared server to the local folders that have been ...

How to check if a directory exists in Windows?

The simplest answer is if exist mydirname- and the rest as you say. Alternately, you could actually get a test binary and use it on Windows.

Check whether a filefolder exists, with cmd command

The correct format is if exist <path> (true operation) . E.g. if exist C:-Path with spaces (echo It exists!) ELSE (echo It doesn't exist!)

How to check if a folder exists on your computer (Windows, Mac OS ...

Run the following command in the terminal. find -iname [file] This will check from the current working directory(should be the home folder when you open the ...

Batch Techniques

A batch file may have to work in all DOS and Windows versions; in that case, the following trick can be used to check for the existence of a folder.

