Find the determinant of a 3x3 matrix using cofactor expansion

CofactorExpansionTheorem007747Thedeterminantofann×nmatrixAcanbecomputedbyusingthecofactorexpansionalonganyroworcolumnofA ...,Inthissection,wegivearecursiveformulaforthedeterminantofamatrix,calledacofactorexpansion.,Acofactorisanumberthatisobtaine...。參考影片的文章的如下:


3.1: The Cofactor Expansion

Cofactor Expansion Theorem007747 The determinant of an n×n matrix A can be computed by using the cofactor expansion along any row or column of A ...

Cofactor Expansions

In this section, we give a recursive formula for the determinant of a matrix, called a cofactor expansion.


A cofactor is a number that is obtained by eliminating the row and column of a particular element which is in the form of a square or rectangle.

Finding the determinant of cofactor matrix

Generalize that if Δ represents the determinant of a n×n matrix, then the determinant of the cofactor matrix is Δn−1.

Minors & Cofactors of Determinant

Cofactor of a Determinant ... The cofactor is defined as the signed minor. Cofactor of an element aij, denoted by Aij is defined by A = (–1)i+j M, where M is ...

The Determinant of a 4 by 4 Matrix Using Cofactor Expansion ...

This video explains how to find a determinant of a 4 by 4 matrix using cofactor expansion.

What is the difference between the cofactor and the determinant of a ...

A cofactor is the determinant of a sub-matrix obtained by deleting a row and column of the matrix. Depending on which row and column are deleted ...

[PDF] Determinant formulas and cofactors

Note that each cofactor is (plus or minus) the determinant of a two by two matrix. That determinant is made up of products of elements in the rows and columns ...

李宏毅_Linear Algebra Lecture 23: Formulas of Determinant

Cofactor Expansion​​ 計算方式如下: 假設matrix-A是一個nxn的矩陣 取出A的第一個row乘上cofactor(下面說明),第一個row裡面的每一個element都對應到一個 ... Algebra Lecture 23: Formulas... · Cofactor Expansion · x 2 matrix · 3x3 matrix


CofactorExpansionTheorem007747Thedeterminantofann×nmatrixAcanbecomputedbyusingthecofactorexpansionalonganyroworcolumnofA ...,Inthissection,wegivearecursiveformulaforthedeterminantofamatrix,calledacofactorexpansion.,Acofactorisanumberthatisobtainedbyeliminatingtherowandcolumnofaparticularelementwhichisintheformofasquareorrectangle.,GeneralizethatifΔrepresentsthedeterminantofan×nmatrix,thenthede...