Combat Hospital (Promo+Preview)

ABCannouncedonOctober24,2011,thatitwouldnotberenewingCombatHospitalforasecondseason.OnDecember16,2011,ShawMediaconfirmedthatCombat ...,ThewarzoneofSouthernAfghanistanistheworkplaceforthedoctors,nursesandmedicsoftheRole3MedicalUnit,aCanadian-ledNA...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Combat Hospital

ABC announced on October 24, 2011, that it would not be renewing Combat Hospital for a second season. On December 16, 2011, Shaw Media confirmed that Combat ...

Combat Hospital

The war zone of Southern Afghanistan is the workplace for the doctors, nurses and medics of the Role 3 Medical Unit, a Canadian-led NATO team delivering the ...

Combat Hospital

Combat Hospital: ABC TV Series Cancelled; No Season Two ... ABC's medical TV show, Combat Hospital, has been cancelled after one season on the air ... Combat Hospital

評分 4.4 (197) A fictional medical procedural set at the only military hospitalproviding advanced surgical care in all of Southern Afghanistan,2006.

Combat Hospital

It's already been renewed for a third season. This summer, the network began airing another Canadian show, Combat Hospital. Will it find the same success as ...

Combat Hospital (TV Series 2011)

評分 7.3/10 (2,410) Portrays doctors and nurses from Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and other allied countries saving lives and limbs in a war zone military hospital modeled on a real ...

Combat Hospital

評分 43% (14) The war zone of Southern Afghanistan is the workplace for the doctors, nurses and medics of the Role 3 Medical Unit, a Canadian-led NATO team.

Combat Hospital

The big budget, Toronto-lensed co-production's failure to break through south of the border on ABC has apparently doomed the series. No major ...

Combat Hospital - Where to Watch and Stream

評分 54% (10) Find out how to watch Combat Hospital. Stream the latest seasons and episodes, watch trailers, and more for Combat Hospital at TV Guide.


ABCannouncedonOctober24,2011,thatitwouldnotberenewingCombatHospitalforasecondseason.OnDecember16,2011,ShawMediaconfirmedthatCombat ...,ThewarzoneofSouthernAfghanistanistheworkplaceforthedoctors,nursesandmedicsoftheRole3MedicalUnit,aCanadian-ledNATOteamdeliveringthe ...,CombatHospital:ABCTVSeriesCancelled;NoSeasonTwo...ABC'smedicalTVshow,CombatHospital,hasbeencancelledafteroneseasonontheair ......