
CT Engineering (Comptech) Supercharger Kit 04

The supercharger uses a Eaton-type design that provides consistent boost and compresses the intake charge efficiently with a minimal increase in the intake air ...

Comptech supercharger installation manual?

Anyone out there have an installation manual for an the original whipple CTSC kit? Ideally a pdf, but cellphone pics of a paper manual would ...

Looking for a comptech supercharger. : rAcura

As the title says, I'm looking for a comptech supercharger that will fit a 2003 CL Type S.

Comptech (CT Engineering) Supercharger Kit

評分 5.0 (30) The Comptech supercharger kit uses an “Eaton-type” design that provides consistent boost and compresses the intake charge efficiently with a minimal increase in ...

MR900 TVS Supercharger Kit – Comptech

供應中 Supercharger kit for all Honda/Acura vehicles with K20/24 Engines. Capable of 450+ HP system and 550+ HP and more with E85+ (with the cooling system installed) ...

Comptech Supercharger Kits

NSX Supercharger Kits · Honda S2000 Supercharger Kits · Home · Comptech Products · About Us · Comptech History · Contact · History.

Comptech Supercharger Kit

Comptech designed and developed the NSX Supercharger Kit to provide a substantial 60 to 70 additional horsepower (at the wheels) that begins building at 2,000 ...

CT Engineering (Comptech) Supercharger Kit 06 TSX Automatic ...

CT Engineering has developed a Supercharger Kit for the Acura TSX that increases power by approximately 50 horsepower at the wheels.

CT-Engineering SuperCharger Kit for 2006-2011 Civic Si

This kits adds around 50-70hp with 5-6psi of boost for around 240-260+hp depending on mods and tune. We also offer the stage 2 kit which offers the 3.15 pulley ...

Superchargers & Parts for Acura for sale

⁣O⁣4⁣ ⁣⁣N⁣⁣Q⁣ · Acura NSX Comptech Supercharger. Pre-Owned · Acura. $8,500.00. or Best Offer. $382.88 shipping. 12 watching.


ThesuperchargerusesaEaton-typedesignthatprovidesconsistentboostandcompressestheintakechargeefficientlywithaminimalincreaseintheintakeair ...,AnyoneouttherehaveaninstallationmanualforantheoriginalwhippleCTSCkit?Ideallyapdf,butcellphonepicsofapapermanualwould ...,Asthetitlesays,I'mlookingforacomptechsuperchargerthatwillfita2003CLTypeS.,評分5.0(30)TheComptechsuperchargerkitusesan“Eaton-type”desig...