
[PDF] 变形金刚

请注意,移除此儿童安全座椅,成年人乘车时,汽车头枕必须安装并调整好。 注意! - TWINFIX是固定CONCORD TRANSFORMER用的附加配合装置,不能约束儿童。 - 儿童 ...


// TWINFIX SYSTEM: simple attachment to the Isofix points in the vehicle for improved side-impact protection; /. // TWINFIX connectors extend at the touch of ...

近乎全能!德国Concord Transformer XT Pro 变形金刚儿童安全座椅 ...

... Twinfix链接及延长;ISO-FIX可与车座直接连接。 • 通过一个按键可以打开或关闭带锁带向导• 稳健,头部和肩部双重安全壁壳• 封闭的壳状设计能在侧面 ...

removing the concord transformer with twinfix

To remove the CONCORD TRANSFORMER, pull the. TWINFIX button (09) forwards and move the seat fully ; forwards. Next, slide the locking buttons on the outer sides.

ConCord Transformer XT Plus 2019

... TWINFIX系統:透過Isofix接口直接安裝在車上✓TRIPLE LAYER IMPACT PROTECTION:三層吸震層提供最安全的側面防護 #Isofix接口固定 #車載三點式安全帶固定 行車方向 ...

[PDF] Johnston Prams

The CONCORD TRANSFORMER with CONCORD TWINFIX system has been certified for “semi-universal” use and is suitable for installation on seats of specified vehicles.

Concord Car Seat Transformer XT PRO Design 2016 - Kids

The TRANSFORMER XT PRO is equivalent to the TRANSFORMER XT in all its safety and comfort features. The seat can even be used for a child from the age of 9 ...

Concord Transformer XT review - Car seats

評分 4.5 · Sarah Barker · The twin-fix adaptors click out quickly and easily, instantly securing the seat firmly to the car if you have ISOFIX. This, combined with ...

開箱文Concord Transformer XT Twin Fix 安全座椅(第2頁)

KIDFIX 不錯啦,個人覺得唯一的缺點是安全帶扣環不好扣(對我個人而言).就是這張相片那個扣環,當然也可以不要每次把安全帶移出扣環。

開箱文Concord Transformer XT Twin Fix 安全座椅

說明書上有SAAB...我的坐駕啦.. 開箱文Concord Transformer XT Twin Fix 安全座椅 看不懂??不明白??


请注意,移除此儿童安全座椅,成年人乘车时,汽车头枕必须安装并调整好。注意!-TWINFIX是固定CONCORDTRANSFORMER用的附加配合装置,不能约束儿童。-儿童 ...,//TWINFIXSYSTEM:simpleattachmenttotheIsofixpointsinthevehicleforimprovedside-impactprotection;/.//TWINFIXconnectorsextendatthetouchof ...,...Twinfix链接及延长;ISO-FIX可与车座直接连接。•通过一个按键可以打开或关闭带锁带向导•稳健,头部和肩部双重安全...