How to Share files between a Mac and Windows Computer in ...

ToconnecttotheMac,youcanopenupanExplorerwindowontheWindowscomputerandtypeintheaddressfortheMacshare(theaddressisintheformat:-- ...,ClicktheAppleiconandselectSystemPreferences,thenclickSharingtoopentheSharingdialog.ClicktheOptionsbuttontoopenthene...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How do I share files between Macs and PCs over a network?

To connect to the Mac, you can open up an Explorer window on the Windows computer and type in the address for the Mac share (the address is in the format: -- ...

How to Connect to a MacBook from a PC

Click the Apple icon and select System Preferences, then click Sharing to open the Sharing dialog. Click the Options button to open the networking window.

Connect to a Windows computer from a Mac

On your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server, then click Browse, or type the network address for the computer in the Server Address field.

How to Switch from Mac to Windows PC

Use Finder to drag and drop files and data from your Mac to the external drive. Connect the drive to your PC and launch File Explorer to access the drive.

How to Connect to a Windows Computer from a MacBook?

In the Finder on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server, click the pop-up menu to the far right of the Server Address field, then choose a recent server.

How to Connect a PC to a Mac

Configuring the Mac. Download Article. Step 1 Click on “Go” on the menu bar at the upper left of ... Click on “Go” on the menu bar at the upper left of the ...


ToconnecttotheMac,youcanopenupanExplorerwindowontheWindowscomputerandtypeintheaddressfortheMacshare(theaddressisintheformat:-- ...,ClicktheAppleiconandselectSystemPreferences,thenclickSharingtoopentheSharingdialog.ClicktheOptionsbuttontoopenthenetworkingwindow.,,OnyourMac,chooseGo>ConnecttoServer,thenclickBrowse,ortypethenetworkaddressforthecomputerintheServerAddressfield.,UseFindertodragan...