How to connect to your BMW's WiFi hotspot – BMW How

ConnectifyHotspotletsyoushareyourcomputer'sInternetconnectionwithotherdevicesoverWi-Fi.WorkswithanyInternetconnectionincludingWi-Fi, ...,DownloadolderversionsofConnectifyHotspotforWindows.AlloftheolderversionsofConnectifyHotspothavenovirusesandar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Connectify Hotspot 2015.0.4.34734

Connectify Hotspot lets you share your computer's Internet connection with other devices over Wi-Fi. Works with any Internet connection including Wi-Fi, ...

Older versions of Connectify Hotspot (Windows)

Download older versions of Connectify Hotspot for Windows. All of the older versions of Connectify Hotspot have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.

Features of Connectify Hotspot

Hotspot PRO and MAX editions allow you to share any Internet connection type, to keep all your devices online wherever you go, either via Wi-Fi or wired ...

New in Hotspot 2015: Client Statistics

Connectify Hotspot 2015 is the only Windows Hotspot software to support per-client usage statistics. Update now to get started with this great feature!


At Connectify we make complex networking tasks easy by developing apps that deliver faster, more reliable, and more secure Internet. Connectify Hotspot 23 · Connectify Hotspot 2021 · Introducing Connectify Hotspot...

Introducing Connectify Hotspot 2015

Introducing Connectify Hotspot 2015 ... With so many kick-ass features, Connectify Hotspot 2015 is the most advanced software router available.

[Contest 5 Licenses]Connectify Hotspot 2015 'PRO'

Connectify Hotspot 2015 PRO and MAX let you easily share the Internet connection from your 3G or 4G LTE mobile broadband device or tethered ...

Download Connectify Hotspot

Connectify Hotspot allows you to transform your PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot for all your devices. Connectify Hotspot makes the setup process as simple as ...

Connectify Hotspot PRO 7.1+ (9.93 MB)

Download Connectify Hotspot PRO 7.1+ (9.93 MB) now. Fast and easy at

Latest Connectify Hotspot 2015.0.5.34877 - Computers

Connectify Hotspot is an easy to use software router for your Windows computer that lets you transform your laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can share a ...


ConnectifyHotspotletsyoushareyourcomputer'sInternetconnectionwithotherdevicesoverWi-Fi.WorkswithanyInternetconnectionincludingWi-Fi, ...,DownloadolderversionsofConnectifyHotspotforWindows.AlloftheolderversionsofConnectifyHotspothavenovirusesandaretotallyfreeonUptodown.,HotspotPROandMAXeditionsallowyoutoshareanyInternetconnectiontype,tokeepallyourdevicesonlinewhereveryougo,eitherviaWi-Fiorwired...