
Connectify Hotspot

A free PC hotspot maker for anyone. Connectify Hotspot is a tool that turns your computer into a WiFi hotspot that any device can connect with. The application ...

Older versions of Connectify Hotspot (Windows)

Download older versions of Connectify Hotspot for Windows. All of the older versions of Connectify Hotspot have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.

Connectify Hotspot: All versions

With the new Connectify Hotspot 2019, you will also be able to: - Share any type of connection (Wi-Fi, cellular, wired, 3G/4G) via Wi-Fi and Ethernet. - Bridge ...

New Release

This is a new major release of Connectify Hotspot that offers big improvements in speed and compatibility to help you work, learn, and play from home or on ...

IObit Customers: Turn Your Laptop into a WiFi Hotspot!

This easy-to-use virtual router software lets you share Internet from your laptop with your smartphone, tablet, media player, e-reader, other laptops, and even ...


At Connectify we make complex networking tasks easy by developing apps that deliver faster, more reliable, and more secure Internet. Connectify Hotspot 23 · Connectify Hotspot 2021 · Introducing Connectify Hotspot...

Connectify Hotspot - WiFi 热点共享管理工具

Connectify Hotspot是一款强大的无线热点工具,能够让电脑变成无线路由器,实现无线设备共享上网。在数码荔枝购买正版,并获取下载和官方教程,避免使用破解版。

Connectify Hotspot Pro 9.0 最新破解版! 讓你輕鬆分享電腦wifi

只要幾個步驟,就能夠輕鬆的將電腦設定為無線基地台,提供給其他無線裝置使用! 以下為破解步驟: Connectify 9.X PRO Latest Crack is Here ! 如何破解?

(軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot PRO 7.1.29279

專業版特色: – 無限熱點標準運行時間– 沒有時間限制,運行Connectify的熱點24/7 。 – 分享的Wi-Fi從3G/4G網路– 它支援從3G/4G卡除了各種各樣的其他USB卡和 ...

Connectify Hotspot Pro 9 Full Crack

Download Connectify Hotspot Pro 9 and Crack it via the link above (choose one server only); Extract the file you have downloaded earlier with ...


AfreePChotspotmakerforanyone.ConnectifyHotspotisatoolthatturnsyourcomputerintoaWiFihotspotthatanydevicecanconnectwith.Theapplication ...,DownloadolderversionsofConnectifyHotspotforWindows.AlloftheolderversionsofConnectifyHotspothavenovirusesandaretotallyfreeonUptodown.,WiththenewConnectifyHotspot2019,youwillalsobeableto:-Shareanytypeofconnection(Wi-Fi,cellular,wired,3G/4G)viaWi-FiandEthernet.-...