
Download Connectify Hotspot for Windows XP (3264 bit) in English

Download Connectify Hotspot for Windows XP (32/64 bit) Free. Useful software that will help make a computer or laptop a Wi-Fi access point.

use XP as wifi hotspot

I have a ASUS(wireless adaptor Atheros AR5007EG) laptop with windows XP SP3. I want to use it to as a WiFi hotspot to connect my android ...

Older versions of Connectify Hotspot (Windows)

Download older versions of Connectify Hotspot for Windows. All of the older versions of Connectify Hotspot have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.

Connectify Hotspot 3.6 Download

Connectify Hotspot 3.6 Transform your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot to share Internet 4.2 Rating 311 votes

Connectify Hotspot 7.1 Download (Free trial)

Connectify Hotspot is intended to share your PC's Internet connection with other computers and devices within your Wi-Fi range.


Connectify Hotspot. Turn your PC into a Wi-Fi Hotspot and share Internet with all your devices. Buy Now & Save 70% · Learn More. Connectify Hotspot 23 · Connectify Hotspot 2021 · Introducing Connectify Hotspot...

Turn Your Laptop Into a Wifi Hotspot (WINDOWS XP WINDOWS 7 ...

Connectify Hotspot is an easy-to-use software access point ( Soft AP ) or vritual router, for laptops and smartphones.

Making a Win XP laptop a Wifi Hotspot [duplicate]

I have an old Win XP laptop which has wifi in it. I would like to convert this laptop to a wifi hotspot. I should be able to connect from both phones as well ...

What Operating Systems does Connectify Support?

Connectify Hotspot 23 and above works on Windows 10* and above. *Only x86 and x86_64 are supported. Windows 10/11 on ARM is not supported.

connectify hotspot problem

I loaded Connectify 2.1 on my Win 7 laptop and both my other laptop (XP SP3) and my desktop (XP SP3) could connect to the network but no ...


DownloadConnectifyHotspotforWindowsXP(32/64bit)Free.UsefulsoftwarethatwillhelpmakeacomputerorlaptopaWi-Fiaccesspoint.,IhaveaASUS(wirelessadaptorAtherosAR5007EG)laptopwithwindowsXPSP3.IwanttouseittoasaWiFihotspottoconnectmyandroid ...,DownloadolderversionsofConnectifyHotspotforWindows.AlloftheolderversionsofConnectifyHotspothavenovirusesandaretotallyfreeonUptodown.,ConnectifyHotspot3.6Transform...