
ClipBoard Fast Copy Paste and Share Pro

2020年8月26日 — ClipBoard Fast Copy Paste and Share Pro is simple and powerful application to manage your clipboard, keep history and give fast access to it ...


ClipClip is free clipboard manager software for Windows that makes it possible to copy multiple texts, images or files to your clipboard.

Copy Paste Software

The ultimate copy and paste software. This program runs quietly in the background allowing you to copy and store hundreds of items onto your windows clipboard ...

Download File Copy

Download File Copy - Best Software & Apps · Teracopy. 3.8. Free · FastCopy. 4. Free · EaseUS Partition Master Free. 3.7. Free · Advertisement · Total Commander. 4.3.

Download TeraCopy 3.26 for Windows

2023年11月19日 — TeraCopy is a program to copy and paste large files at a high speed. The program is used for frequent file transfers, large file sizes, moving ...


FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Backup Software on Windows · It supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH (260 characters) file pathnames.

QuickTextPaste for Windows

QuickTextPaste is an incredibly useful application for copying and pasting tons of text without having to copy and paste them one by one.


Teracopy, free and safe download. Teracopy latest version: Copy and move files faster and more easily.

TeraCopy for Windows

Official site of TeraCopy, a free utility designed to copy files faster and more secure. It can verify copied files to ensure they are identical.


2020年8月26日—ClipBoardFastCopyPasteandShareProissimpleandpowerfulapplicationtomanageyourclipboard,keephistoryandgivefastaccesstoit ...,ClipClipisfreeclipboardmanagersoftwareforWindowsthatmakesitpossibletocopymultipletexts,imagesorfilestoyourclipboard.,Theultimatecopyandpastesoftware.Thisprogramrunsquietlyinthebackgroundallowingyoutocopyandstorehundredsofitemsontoyourwindowsclipboard ...,Downl...