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CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application.


CopyQ 8.0.0 Released Hi All, CopyQ 8.0.0 clipboard manager has been released. There were a lot of changes since the last

CopyQ 9.0.0 Released

- Includes many performance improvements for working with large amount of items. - Fixes triggering menu items by number (#2569). - Fixes text ...

CopyQ 9.1

CopyQ 9.1 ; Change log: https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ/releases ; Description: Clipboard manager with advanced features ; License: GPLv3 ; Version: ...

CopyQ download

評分 4.6 (25) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Download CopyQ for free. Clipboard manager with advanced features. CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with searchable and editable history with support for ...

hlukCopyQ: Clipboard manager with advanced features

Support for Linux, Windows, and OS X 10.15+; Store text, HTML, images, and any other custom formats; Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history ...

Installation - CopyQ documentation

Packages and installation files are available at Releases page. Alternatively, you can install the app with one of the following methods:

Older versions of CopyQ (Mac)

Download older versions of CopyQ for Mac. All of the older versions of CopyQ have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.

Older versions of CopyQ (Windows)

Download older versions of CopyQ for Windows. All of the older versions of CopyQ have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.

Releases · hlukCopyQ

Clipboard manager with advanced features. Contribute to hluk/CopyQ development by creating an account on GitHub.


CopyQmonitorssystemclipboardandsavesitscontentincustomizedtabs.Savedclipboardcanbelatercopiedandpasteddirectlyintoanyapplication.,CopyQ8.0.0ReleasedHiAll,CopyQ8.0.0clipboardmanagerhasbeenreleased.Therewerealotofchangessincethelast,-Includesmanyperformanceimprovementsforworkingwithlargeamountofitems.-Fixestriggeringmenuitemsbynumber(#2569).-Fixestext ...,CopyQ9.1;Changelog:https://github.com/hl...