Create Shortcuts for Nintendo Wii Games on a SD Memory Card

Crap,aslangtermforfeces·Craps,adicegame·Craps(album),byBigDipper,1988·Commandosderechercheetd'actionenprofondeur,theformernameof ...,CrapisagreatalternativeforLoadstructor.Itusesyourexistingloaderssettingstoloadthegames(ratherthanusingacompletene...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Crap, a slang term for feces · Craps, a dice game · Craps (album), by Big Dipper, 1988 · Commandos de recherche et d'action en profondeur, the former name of ...


Crap is a great alternative for Loadstructor. It uses your existing loaders settings to load the games (rather than using a complete new loader, ...

Crap 3.3b help!

2021年4月2日 — This is my first time modding a Wii and I have everything down. I wanted to make the Wii more accessible and have the normal Wii games out ...

Crap 3.3b released

2010年4月29日 — Crap 3.3b released: download : CrapV3.3b ...

CRAP 3.3B [Wiiflow & uloader support added] 1.0

2010年10月28日 — CRAP is a channel creator for wii game fowarders, used with a USB harddrive. It supports all known usb loaders, Wiiflow and Uloader support ...

Crap error

2021年5月22日 — After you have your game unzipped to the SD card ( ex: Grand Slam Tennis (USA) (En,Fr).wbfs ) go to Wii Backup Manager > files > add > files and ...


2020年12月12日 — 任天堂Wii 破解(廣東話/中文字幕) - 第十集在Wii 桌面建立遊戲CHANNEL, 直接在桌面開啟遊戲, 安裝CRAP 軟件先需要已安裝HOMEBREW CHANNEL 的Wii如未有, 可 ...


Crap,aslangtermforfeces·Craps,adicegame·Craps(album),byBigDipper,1988·Commandosderechercheetd'actionenprofondeur,theformernameof ...,CrapisagreatalternativeforLoadstructor.Itusesyourexistingloaderssettingstoloadthegames(ratherthanusingacompletenewloader, ...,2021年4月2日—ThisismyfirsttimemoddingaWiiandIhaveeverythingdown.IwantedtomaketheWiimoreaccessibleandhavethenormalWiigamesout ...,2010年4...