2023年3月18日—Thefirstandmostobviousoneistogotoradarsettings.Fromthere,youcanadjustmaporientation,HUDsizeandmapzoom.Inadditionto ...,2023年3月17日—Thefirstandeasiestistogotothein-gamesettings.ThereyouwillbeabletoadjusttheHUDsize,radarmapzoom,andr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Advanced CS

2023年3月18日 — The first and most obvious one is to go to radar settings. From there, you can adjust map orientation, HUD size and map zoom. In addition to ...

A Complete Guide to CS

2023年3月17日 — The first and easiest is to go to the in-game settings. There you will be able to adjust the HUD size, radar map zoom, and radar map orientation ...

Here's the Radar Scaling toggle that some pro players are ...

2019年2月12日 — Key -X- radar scaling toggle bind x toggle cl_radar_scale 0.35 0.75 i'm not sure why its a big issue since anyone can use it.

All CS

Radar Scale. A number between 0.25 and 1. The smaller the number, the more zoomed out the radar appears. The larger the number, the more zoomed in the radar ...

Setting Radar Scale

2013年6月7日 — The command is cl_radar_scale. Good tip though, the radar doesn't really show anything normally.

What are the best CS

2020年6月10日 — We will walk you through each of the different methods so that you can set up the best CS:GO radar your way! ... Try 1.15 for scale and go from ...


2019年1月9日 — Our CS:GO best radar settings guide contains a list of console commands to get the most useful radar in the game.

Find Your Way With The Best CSGO Radar Settings

2021年8月23日 — To access the radar parameters, go to Settings menu, switch to Game tab and go to Radar / Tablet section, further away from CSGO HUD settings. ( ...

CS:GO Radar Settings Guide 2024

We will explain the different radar scale settings and how to see the whole map on the radar - basically creating a minimap that is visible while you are in-


2023年3月18日—Thefirstandmostobviousoneistogotoradarsettings.Fromthere,youcanadjustmaporientation,HUDsizeandmapzoom.Inadditionto ...,2023年3月17日—Thefirstandeasiestistogotothein-gamesettings.ThereyouwillbeabletoadjusttheHUDsize,radarmapzoom,andradarmaporientation ...,2019年2月12日—Key-X-radarscalingtogglebindxtogglecl_radar_scale0.350.75i'mnotsurewhyitsabigissuesinceanyonecanuseit.,RadarScale...