
Three Ways to Curve Text in Photoshop

2017年10月19日 — Three Ways to Curve Text in Photoshop · Open Photoshop and go to File > New. · Select the Text tool (T) and type your text. · With the text layer ...

How to Curve Text in Photoshop

Select the text layer and navigate to Layer > Smart Objects> Convert to Smart Object. Make sure the layer is still selected and Edit > Transform > Warp. Once ...

How to Curve Text in Adobe Photoshop

2022年6月6日 — Here, click the Style drop-down menu and choose Arc. Then drag the Bend slider to the left or right to make your text curved. Behind the ...

Quick Tip

Press Ctrl/Cmd+T or go to Edit > Free Transform. While holding the Shift and Alt keys, drag the corner nodes of the transform box towards the center to scale ...

How to Bend Text in Adobe Photoshop

Press and hold Ctrl (Windows) or ⌘ (Mac) as you click on and drag the anchor point until the line is at the same arc at which you want the text to bend.


2017年10月19日—ThreeWaystoCurveTextinPhotoshop·OpenPhotoshopandgotoFile>New.·SelecttheTexttool(T)andtypeyourtext.·Withthetextlayer ...,SelectthetextlayerandnavigatetoLayer>SmartObjects>ConverttoSmartObject.MakesurethelayerisstillselectedandEdit>Transform>Warp.Once ...,2022年6月6日—Here,clicktheStyledrop-downmenuandchooseArc.ThendragtheBendslidertotheleftorrighttomakeyourtextcurv...