
How to Use Custom Affinity Audiences

Custom affinity audiences are those you create yourself in your Google Ads platform to align with the interests of your target customer base.

Google Ads 自訂意願(custom intent) 和自訂興趣相似(custom affinity ...

Google Ads 上個月(2020年9月) 公布了新上線的「自訂目標對象」(custom audience),取代原本的自訂意願(custom intent) 和自訂興趣相似(custom affinity) ...

What are Affinity Audiences? How to Use Them, Examples & Pro Tips

Affinity audiences are a Google Ads audience type categorized by an audience's interest in (or affinity to) a topic or subject.

Affinity audiences targeting - Display & Video 360 Help

With affinity audiences, you can connect with target audiences that are consistent with the audiences you might buy for offline or TV campaigns. Reaching a wide ...

About audience segments

Affinity segments: Reach users based on what they're passionate about and their habits and interests. Custom segments: Custom segments help you reach your ideal ...

掌握消費者全貌!Custom Affinity 自訂興趣目標對象l iSPOT x Talks

Custom Affinity 自訂興趣目標對象,可透過網址、關鍵字、地點、APP 等訊息,協助廣告主觸及符合品牌需求的TA。與興趣目標對象的不同是,前者所觸及的客 ...

3 Killer Strategies for Custom Affinity Audience Campaigns

Google defines custom affinity audiences as letting advertisers define whom they want to reach across the web, on any screen. By factoring in consumers' most ...

Google Ads Custom Affinity Audience....is it worth it? : rPPC

Custom affinity audiences are more like Google's regular affinity audiences... they're for branding than for performance marketing campaigns. So ...

影音廣告怎麼規劃? Google 提示四大心法幫助你找到品牌行銷切入點

透過廣告設定,確保廣告投放給對的人,YNAP 運用興趣相似受眾(Affinity audiences) 接觸對“搶便宜” (bargain hunting) 有興趣的群眾,同時以自訂興趣相似受眾(Custom affinity ...

How to Use Custom Affinity Audiences for More Cost

Custom affinity audiences allow advertisers to narrowly target prospects on the GDN and reach more relevant consumers. Learn more about them ...


CustomaffinityaudiencesarethoseyoucreateyourselfinyourGoogleAdsplatformtoalignwiththeinterestsofyourtargetcustomerbase.,GoogleAds上個月(2020年9月)公布了新上線的「自訂目標對象」(customaudience),取代原本的自訂意願(customintent)和自訂興趣相似(customaffinity) ...,AffinityaudiencesareaGoogleAdsaudiencetypecategorizedbyanaudience'sinterestin(oraffinityto)atopicorsubject.,Withaffinityaudiences,youca...