
Azure AI 自訂視覺

使用Azure AI 服務內含的AI 自訂視覺,針對特定網域自訂及內嵌先進的電腦視覺影像分析。建置順暢的客戶體驗、將製造流程最佳化、加快數位行銷活動的速度等。

Azure AI Custom Vision

Customize and embed state-of-the-art computer vision image analysis for specific domains with AI Custom Vision, part of Azure AI services.

【教學】Azure Custom Vision|如何在邊緣裝置上實作物件辨識

個人使用可以有一個月的免費額度,但是需要新增信用卡號碼,這部分在建立帳號的時候需要多加留意。 建立完成之後,點擊下方連結前往Custom vision網站:.


Azure AI Custom Vision is an image recognition service that lets you build, deploy, and improve your own image identifier models.

建立你的視覺辨識服務Custom Vision

使用微軟最新的開發工具Azure Custom Vision Service,帶你一步步從認識視覺辨識的原理、工具的使用、建立自己的視覺資料庫及預測模型,最後能發布成為可用的工具,基礎實作讓 ...

Implementing Custom Vision Services Using Azure's AI ...

This article focuses on Azure AI Services and Custom Vision, explaining how to use them with real-life examples, step-by-step instructions using C#.

Vision Studio

Give your apps the ability to read text, analyze images, and detect faces with technology like optical character recognition (OCR) and machine learning. Add captions to images · Extract text from images · Detect common objects in...

【Star Rocket】建立你的視覺辨識服務Custom Vision(零基礎初學者)

使用微軟Azure Custom Vision Service,從認識視覺辨識的原理、工具的使用、如何建立自己的視覺資料庫、建立預測模型,最後能發布成為可用的工具,基礎的實作讓你不只聽, ...

Custom Vision

Visual Intelligence Made Easy. Easily customize your own state-of-the-art computer vision models that fit perfectly with your unique use case.

Computer Vision with Azure Custom Vision

... services, and have a better understanding of how to use AI to solve real-world problems. **Why should members attend?** By the end of the ...

