CyberLink PowerDirector 13 Ultimate Full Review!

2024年2月13日—CyberLinkPowerDirector13UltimateSuiteisaprogramthatcontainsafastvideoeditingtool,PowerDirector,anadvancedaudioediting ...,PowerDirector13Ultraisthefastestandmostflexiblevideoeditingsoftwareintheworld.Poweredbythe64-bitTrueVelocityen...。參考影片的文章的如下:


CyberLink PowerDirector 13 Ultimate Suite 13.0

2024年2月13日 — CyberLink PowerDirector 13 Ultimate Suite is a program that contains a fast video editing tool, PowerDirector, an advanced audio editing ...

Cyberlink PowerDirector 13 Ultra

PowerDirector 13 Ultra is the fastest and most flexible video editing software in the world. Powered by the 64-bit True Velocity engine, PowerDirector ...

Cyberlink PowerDirector 13 Ultimate

PowerDirector 13 Ultimate is the fastest and most flexible video editing software in the world. Powered by the 64-bit TrueVelocity engine, PowerDirector ...

CyberLink PowerDirector 13 minimum system requirements

Ultimate / Ultimate Suite: 8.5 GB (11 GB recommended to install all premium content). Hard Disk Space (Burning). 10 GB (20 GB recommended) free for DVD ...

CyberLink PowerDirector 13 Ultra

CyberLink PowerDirector 13 Ultra - The Fastest and Most Flexible Video Editor · Create Home Movie Hits · Create Action-packed Sports Videos · Create Anytime, ...

PowerDirector 13 旗艦版

2015年1月14日 — 5複制cyberlink.powerdirector.v13.0.ultimate.x86-x64-patch.exe到安裝程序目錄,並點擊Patch按鈕對程序打補丁! ... 軟體安裝方法說明: 1.v13.0.2307中文 ...

17 PowerDirector 13 ideas

Cyberlink PowerDirector 13 - The Best Render Settings for YouTube [720p - 1080p]*. Cyberlink PowerDirector 13 - The Best Render Settings for YouTube [720p ...

CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate Suite v13 英文繁體中文 ...

2015年5月15日 — 威力導演13旗艦組合包專為影音玩家量身打造,共收錄旗下三款獲獎無數的多媒體創作軟體: 影片剪輯- 「威力導演」、影片調色- 「ColorDirector」、音效 ...


2024年2月13日—CyberLinkPowerDirector13UltimateSuiteisaprogramthatcontainsafastvideoeditingtool,PowerDirector,anadvancedaudioediting ...,PowerDirector13Ultraisthefastestandmostflexiblevideoeditingsoftwareintheworld.Poweredbythe64-bitTrueVelocityengine,PowerDirector ...,PowerDirector13Ultimateisthefastestandmostflexiblevideoeditingsoftwareintheworld.Poweredbythe64-bitTrueVelocityengine,PowerDire...