cydia impactor 160
cydia impactor 160


Cydia Impactor 常見各種錯誤解決方法全收錄

更新說明:2018.8.8起開始有大量出現http-win.cpp:160PeercertificatecannotbeauthenticatedwithgivenCAcertificatesSSLcertificateproblem:certificateis ...

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Cydia Impactor 0.9.45 Adds CPP 160 Error Fix And More ...

2018年8月13日 — 45 of Cydia Impactor to instantly resolve the troublesome “CPP 160” error that has been plaguing Impactor users on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

Cydia Impactor 0.9.45 官方正式版更新Saurik强势回归!修复 ...

2018年8月11日 — 快讯:就在刚才,Saurik 发布Cydia Impactor 0.9.45版本1:修改证书过期导致的160错误2:修改XCode Revoke证书选项变相修复1760错误3:修复delete ...

Cydia Impactor CPP 160 Error Fix

2018年8月10日 — The “CPP 160” error is presenting itself when iPhone and iPad owners are trying to sideload an app – such as the Electra IPA – onto their ...

Cydia Impactor 出現cpp

由於Saurik 似乎已經不針對此問題修正,已經有其他開發者推出修改版本來修正此問題,目前Mac版本依舊能正常使用,Win與Linux版本都會出問題,請下載底下修正版來使用。

Cydia Impactor 常見各種錯誤解決方法全收錄

更新說明:2018.8.8 起開始有大量出現 http-win.cpp:160 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates SSL certificate problem:certificate is ...

How to fix Cydia Impactor "http-win.cpp

Use notepad.exe to save the following text to a new file on your hard drive. The file should be called verisign-2048-256.pem (without the usual .txt extension!).

[Discussion] Cydia Impactor CCP 160 Error MEGATHREAD

2018年8月9日 — For what it's worth, I noticed this error earlier this morning when I attempted to sideload an application onto my iPhone using Windows.

[question] error ( cydia impactor error http

2018年8月8日 — My flow used to be: revoke old certificate using Impactor 0.9.43 and install package using Impactor 0.9.44.

瘋先生玩越獄- cpp

2018年8月10日 — com/fix-cydia- impactor-http-win.cpp160-cpp-160-error-with- patched-version-heres-how/. Fix Cydia Impactor http-win.cpp: 160 ...


2018年8月13日—45ofCydiaImpactortoinstantlyresolvethetroublesome“CPP160”errorthathasbeenplaguingImpactorusersonmacOS,Linux,andWindows.,2018年8月11日—快讯:就在刚才,Saurik发布CydiaImpactor0.9.45版本1:修改证书过期导致的160错误2:修改XCodeRevoke证书选项变相修复1760错误3:修复delete ...,2018年8月10日—The“CPP160”errorispresentingitselfwheniPhoneandiPadownersaretryingtosideloadanapp–suchastheElectr...