D-Link Wireless AC1750 Dual Band Gigabit Cloud ...

D-LinkDIR-868LReview...D-LinkDIR-868LisanotherrouterfromD-Linkwiththeiconiccylindricaldesign.Somemaysayitlookskindoflikea ...,2013年7月29日—TheDIR-868LisD-Link'ssecond802.11acwirelessrouterfollowingtheimpressiveDIR-865L.Likeitspredecessor,itinteg...。參考影片的文章的如下:


D-Link DIR

D-Link DIR-868L Review ... D-Link DIR-868L is another router from D-Link with the iconic cylindrical design. Some may say it looks kind of like a ...

D-Link DIR

2013年7月29日 — The DIR-868L is D-Link's second 802.11ac wireless router following the impressive DIR-865L. Like its predecessor, it integrates the ...

D-Link DIR

2013年11月25日 — The D-Link DIR 868L is an AC1750 wireless router, as such it is also the top of the line when it comes to D-Link's portfolio. Capable of 1.3Gbps ...

D-Link DIR

2013年6月6日 — The new DIR-868L Wireless AC1750 Dual Band Gigabit Cloud router is fast, stable, and offers wide Wi-Fi coverage. It also supports USB 3.0. It's ...


With Wi-Fi dual band speeds of 450 (2.4GHz) and 1300Mbps (5GHz), the DIR-868L avoids interference to deliver the fastest wireless speeds, improved coverage and ...


2013年7月31日 — D-Link's newest pre-draft 802.11ac router, the Wireless AC1750 Dual Band Gigabit Cloud Router (DIR-868L) does not deliver performance as ...

Wireless AC1750 Dual-Band Gigabit Cloud Router - D

We tested the DIR-868L and were really impressed by its performance. Trusted Reviews. The D-Link DIR-868L takes all the best elements of previous D-Link routers ...


D-LinkDIR-868LReview...D-LinkDIR-868LisanotherrouterfromD-Linkwiththeiconiccylindricaldesign.Somemaysayitlookskindoflikea ...,2013年7月29日—TheDIR-868LisD-Link'ssecond802.11acwirelessrouterfollowingtheimpressiveDIR-865L.Likeitspredecessor,itintegratesthe ...,2013年11月25日—TheD-LinkDIR868LisanAC1750wirelessrouter,assuchitisalsothetopofthelinewhenitcomestoD-Link'sportfolio.Capableof1.3Gbps ...,...