
Indian man gets life in prison for raping and murdering Danielle ...

A court in India's western Goa state has sentenced a 31-year-old man to life in prison for raping and murdering an Irish woman at a popular ...

Man who raped and murdered Irish backpacker in India jailed for life

The body of Danielle McLaughlin, 28, from County Donegal, was found by a farmer on a beach popular with holidaymakers in Goa in March 2017.

Danielle McLaughlin

Danielle McLaughlin, from County Donegal, was raped and murdered while she was touring around India.

Man found guilty of rape and murder of Danielle McLaughlin

Danielle McLaughlin, 28, from County Donegal, was found dead in a field in India, in March 2017.

Man found guilty of 2017 rape and murder of Irish woman at popular ...

The body of 28-year-old Danielle McLaughlin was found by a farmer on a beach popular with tourists in March 2017.

Man convicted of raping and murdering Irish woman in India is ...

The body of 28-year-old Danielle McLaughlin was found by a farmer on a beach popular with tourists in 2017.

Goa murder: Danielle McLaughlin's mother's 8

It's been a long wait for justice for Andrea Brannigan, the mother of Irish backpacker Danielle McLaughlin, who was raped and murdered in 2017 at Palolem beach ...

Man guilty of rape and murder of Danielle McLaughlin in India

The family of an Irish woman killed in India nearly eight years ago say justice has finally been achieved after a 31-year-old local man ...

Goa man found guilty of rape and murder of Irish backpacker eight ...

Family of Danielle McLaughlin say justice has finally been achieved after Vikat Bhagat convicted in India.

Goa court convicts local man for rape-murder of Irish

Court convicts accused in Danielle McLaughlin murder case, family thankful for justice, sentencing awaited on February 17.


AcourtinIndia'swesternGoastatehassentenceda31-year-oldmantolifeinprisonforrapingandmurderinganIrishwomanatapopular ...,ThebodyofDanielleMcLaughlin,28,fromCountyDonegal,wasfoundbyafarmeronabeachpopularwithholidaymakersinGoainMarch2017.,DanielleMcLaughlin,fromCountyDonegal,wasrapedandmurderedwhileshewastouringaroundIndia.,DanielleMcLaughlin,28,fromCountyDonegal,wasfounddeadinafieldinIndia,inMarc...