
10 best Android backup apps and other ways to ...

2024年4月8日 — The best backup apps for Android and other ways too · Amazon Photos · Autosync by MetaCtrl · G Cloud Backup · pCloud · Pulse SMS.

App Backup and Restore for Android

App Backup and Restore is an updated version of this app that lets you make backup copies of all your installed apps. Basically, it offers all the same ...

Back up your device - Android

App data; Call history; Contacts; Settings; SMS messages; Pictures and videos; MMS messages. You can check what data and which apps are included in your backup.

Backup and Restore

App Backup Restore can Backup & Restore APK files of apps that are not frequently used to save storage of a phone. Easiest Backup & Restore multi versions ...

Best Backup Apps For 2024

Backup apps. Make sure your data's backed up so ... Cloud backup with options for data download & copy/duplication ... Backup App | GlowUp Apps. Free plan available.

Data backup overview

2023年4月12日 — Android provides two ways for apps to back up their data to the cloud: Auto Backup for Apps and key-value backup. Auto Backup, which is ...

DataBackup | F-Droid

DataBackup is based on speed-backup. It was born with the consent of the author. DataBackup is intended to back up and restore the data of your apps.

在App Store 上的「My

2022年8月3日 — My-Data Backup is the ultimate personal protection solution designed to back up your iPhone and protect all your contacts and photos in the ...


2024年4月8日—ThebestbackupappsforAndroidandotherwaystoo·AmazonPhotos·AutosyncbyMetaCtrl·GCloudBackup·pCloud·PulseSMS.,AppBackupandRestoreisanupdatedversionofthisappthatletsyoumakebackupcopiesofallyourinstalledapps.Basically,itoffersallthesame ...,Appdata;Callhistory;Contacts;Settings;SMSmessages;Picturesandvideos;MMSmessages.Youcancheckwhatdataandwhichappsareincludedinyourbackup.,AppBackupRest...