
ASUSTOR DataSync Center 幫你一次整合雲端硬碟和...

2021年7月13日 — Dropbox、 Google Drive、OneDrive 等公有雲端空間,輕鬆就能將各地的檔案進行同步,滿足資料備份及異地存取作業的需求 了解更多:https://www ...

Configuring AWS DataSync transfers with Google Cloud Storage

Learn how AWS DataSync can help you migrate object data from a Google Cloud Storage bucket to an Amazon S3 bucket.

DataSync Center 雲端同步中心簡介

目前支援Dropbox,Microsoft OneDrive,Yandex,Baidu Netdisk,Google Drive 等。 1.1 DataSync Center 安裝從App Central 下載並安裝DataSync Center 之後,程式即出現在 ...

DataSync for GoogleDrive

2020年5月18日 — The short answer is, DataSync will only Sync those Drive, Folder, File that are of your ownership only.

DataSync for GoogleDrive still loading

2022年2月15日 — I am trying to use the OneDrive with DataSync Center and when it runs it creates the folders in OneDrive but none of the files inside these ...

Google Drive API and Amazon AWS DataSync Integrations

Connect Google Drive API to Amazon AWS DataSync. Workload lets you integrate Google Drive API with Amazon AWS DataSync in just a few clicks.

Google drive data sync - VOCAT

It is a function that synchronizes changes to multiple devices using Google Drive. If you do not have an Google account, please create one here.

Google Drive

DataSync Center supports backing up to your NAS, from your NAS and synchronizing between cloud services and your NAS to Google Drive while setting filters, ...

使用Google 雲端儲存設定AWS DataSync移轉作業

由於DataSync與Google 雲端儲存XML API 整合,因此您可以將物件複製到Amazon S3,而無需撰寫程式碼。其運作方式取決於您部署DataSync代理程式以促進傳輸的位置。


2021年7月13日—Dropbox、GoogleDrive、OneDrive等公有雲端空間,輕鬆就能將各地的檔案進行同步,滿足資料備份及異地存取作業的需求了解更多:https://www ...,LearnhowAWSDataSynccanhelpyoumigrateobjectdatafromaGoogleCloudStoragebuckettoanAmazonS3bucket.,目前支援Dropbox,MicrosoftOneDrive,Yandex,BaiduNetdisk,GoogleDrive等。1.1DataSyncCenter安裝從AppCentral下載並安裝DataSyncCenter之後,程式即出現在 ...,...