David Bowie

SpaceOddity,ataleaboutafictionalastronaut,wasreleasedasasingleinJuly1969andbecameBowie'sfirstcommercialhit,reachingtheUKtopfive.The ...,Itwasfirstreleasedon11July1969byPhilipsRecordsasa7-inchsingle,thenastheopeningtrackofhissecondstudioalbumDavid...。參考影片的文章的如下:


David Bowie (1969 album)

Space Oddity, a tale about a fictional astronaut, was released as a single in July 1969 and became Bowie's first commercial hit, reaching the UK top five. The ...

Space Oddity

It was first released on 11 July 1969 by Philips Records as a 7-inch single, then as the opening track of his second studio album David Bowie. Produced by Gus ...

聽到Space Oddity (David Bowie) 的電影、電視劇

收錄在專輯David Bowie。 Space Oddity 1969.

Space Oddity

Listen to Space Oddity by David Bowie on Apple Music. 1969. Duration: 5:16.

Space Oddity

This 1969 release features David Bowie's first hit single, Space Oddity, and sets the tone for the spacey Ziggy Stardust to come.

'Space Oddity'

A song that captured the zeitgeist of the Moon landing, in 1969, 'Space Oddity' became David Bowie's first hit and continues to influence society today.


SpaceOddity,ataleaboutafictionalastronaut,wasreleasedasasingleinJuly1969andbecameBowie'sfirstcommercialhit,reachingtheUKtopfive.The ...,Itwasfirstreleasedon11July1969byPhilipsRecordsasa7-inchsingle,thenastheopeningtrackofhissecondstudioalbumDavidBowie.ProducedbyGus ...,收錄在專輯DavidBowie。SpaceOddity1969.,ListentoSpaceOdditybyDavidBowieonAppleMusic.1969.Duration:5:16.,This1969releasefeatures...